Sunday, August 30, 2020

Feed Your Soul With Your Mind


Hey! Recently, I've been working on my health. I've been obese a majority of my life(since about 3) because I didnt crawl and went straight from scooting around to walking at 5. I still really dislike walking because I walk weird on my right foot(my ankle doesnt have the muscle strength even after many years of physical therapy), basically on my tip toes. Anyways, lifestyle changes are great! But if we don't change our mindset, it won't last(not being a negative nancy, just based on facts) I'm proof of that. I've lost 60-125 lbs a few times in life. Since my mindset wasnt in positive... it didnt stick(or stay off). It sucks to lose all that weight/inches/size... just to gain it back faster than the season ends. This time it is different. Why? Because I'm in a much better mindset. Less FOMO of desserts because I have told myself that the happiness that food gives me is short term... getting in better health is so much more worth it. I don't know what it's like to wear clothes under size 20 or not have flabby arms. More walking that gradually increases. I started at 5 laps(up and back) in my home hallway, now im up to 20(1/4th mile) and light dumbells, zumba, chair exercises. Do whatever I can to stay active(the most important part of my life right now).!! Im most likely to do it if im having fun. That could mean to: turn up the music, add more color to foods(natural ways like bell pappers, tomatoes, carrots...etc) Most of all... be positive. Negativity(lack) is a sure way to stop the momentum. My inspiration today was from Simple Root Wellness. She has an awesome podcast which I just found today. Enjoy your day!
Originally posted here:

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