Friday, August 21, 2020

***Have you ever truly stopped to appreciate those little fungi peeking out from your spinach salad?*** You eating more of them! [image source]( ***"Although white foods are often thought to be nutrient-poor, mushrooms are an exception,"*** **why?** Because they contain many minerals, like selenium, potassium, copper, iron and phosphorus, that are not often found in plant-derived foods. Mushrooms are fungi and they produce spores, similar to pollen or seeds, which allows them to spread or travel by the wind. The rest of the mushroom then matures, typically living in soil or wood. There are many different types of mushrooms, some of which are edible including well-known species such as button, oyster, porcini and chanterelles containing varying degrees of protein and fibre. There are, however, many species that are not edible and can in fact cause stomach pains or vomiting if eaten, and in some cases could be fatal. [image source]( They also contain B vitamins as well as a powerful antioxidant called selenium (which helps to support the immune system and prevent damage to cells and tissues). Mushrooms provide many of the same nutritional benefits as vegetables, as well as attributes commonly found in meat, beans and grains. Cultures around the world have eaten or used mushrooms medicinally for centuries, dating all the way back to ancient Egypt. But you may not realize just how powerful edible mushrooms can be for healing people and also for healing the planet. Mushrooms are being increasingly researched and used for their important health benefits with different varieties having different medicinal properties. **How to cook Mushroom?** Mushroom can be cooked or could be added to in soups, sautés, and as meat substitutes. It can also be added to a diet. Finely chop scotch bonnet and onions Grind uziza and roasted ehuru seeds Wash and slice nchu anwu finely

[image source]( Peel and cut the potato into cubes

[image source]( In a pot pour 2 cups of water, add potato, scotch bonnet, onions, seasoning cube, uziza and ehuru. Wash mushrooms and slice. Tear the oyster mushrooms into shreds with your hands. Cook the potato cubes for 5 minutes. Add mushrooms, cook for 5 minutes.

[image source]( Add ncha anwu and cook for another 5 minutes. Take off the heat. Your scrumptious Mushroom Pepper soup is ready.

[image source](

[image source]( **Benefits of Mushroom:** Mushrooms Have a Range of Extraordinary Health Benefits for Humans Here are some reasons why mushrooms pack a powerful punch when it comes to improving your health Mushrooms are a superfood, and one of the most health-promoting foods on the planet. **Did you know?** ***Mushrooms can prevent and treat many diseases and boost overall health, as well as help heal the planet?*** Mushrooms are packed with nutritional value. They’re low in calories, are great sources of fibre and protein. They also provide many important nutrients, including B vitamins, selenium, potassium, copper. And even though they’re commonly white, they’re packed with as many antioxidants as more colourful fruits and vegetables. ***Did you know antioxidants may help you live longer, healthier life?* Guess what?** Mushroom **"Plant of Immortality"** is the key, it boost longevity. This is because Mushrooms contain a super-high concentration of two antioxidants, ergothioneine and glutathione. When these antioxidants are present together, they work extra-hard to protect the body from the physiological stress that causes visible signs of aging (wrinkles). Mushroom are also known to be a gut-friendly food. They help in improving digestion because they are prebiotic (that is...they nourish the good bacteria in your gut). Mushrooms have a lot of nutritional value with few calories and little fat. They also contain two types of dietary fibres, beta-glucans and chitin, which increase satiety and reduce appetite. Mushrooms are rich in B vitamins which assist in strengthening the bones: riboflavin (B2), folate (B9), thiamine (B1), pantothenic acid (B5), and niacin (B3). These help the body utilize energy from the food we consume and produce red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout the body. Mushrooms have been shown to have some therapeutic properties that can help to lower cholesterol, particularly in overweight adults, as well as phytonutrients that can help prevent cells from sticking to blood vessel walls and forming plaque build-up. This in turn then helps protect the heart by maintaining healthy blood pressure and circulation. **What is the best way to store mushrooms?** Mushrooms can start to deteriorate quite quickly and, if bought pre-packaged, they are often best kept in their original packaging in the fridge. If you buy loose mushrooms then they should be stored in a paper bag or in a container (without the lid) wrapped with plastic that is punched with a few air holes and stored in the fridge. So get cooking, but stay safe! ***"It's crucial to distinguish between mushrooms are that are safe and those that aren’t,"*** ***"Avoid eating mushrooms that are from the wild. They can be toxic and lead to serious illness and in some cases, death."*** Play it safe and source your mushrooms from the easiest place — the grocery store! To take advantage of all these health benefits, you really should cook your mushrooms. **References**
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