Thursday, August 20, 2020

The topic is hypertension.
Hypertension can be defined as the blood pressure that is sustained than highly accepted normal maximum level for a particular age ,gender, occupation,over a given period of time


Signs and symptoms of hypertension are 1. Headache 2.weakness 3.Dizziness 4.Visual disturbance/blurry vision 5.Epistaxis 6.palpitation 7.Dyspnea ( Difficulty in Breathing) 8.restlessness


[credit]( Causes of hypertension 1.Idiopathy 2.Heart Diseases 3.Kidney Diseases 4.Hereditary 5.Gender 6.Age 7.Drugs 8.pregnancy


Risk factors are 1.Smoking 2.Excessive alcohol intake 3.High cholesterol / fats in the blood 4.lack of periodic Exercise 5.Excessive salt intake 6.Excess weights 7.High level of stress / tension 8.Diet Types of hypertension are There are two major types of hypertension: 1.Essential (primary/idiopathy) hypertension:is defined as the blood pressure that is sustained at higher level than normal.The cause is unknown and it's account for 85%to 90% hypertensive case which gives rise to benigh/ chronic and malignant hypertension 2.Secondary Hypertension: Can be defined as the blood pressure that is sustained at higher level than the generally accepted level as a consequences complication arising from other Diseases such as kidney diseases /endocrine diseases


[credit]( Prevention of hypertension 1.Eating healthy diet 2.Reducing salt 3.Avoid alcohol consumption 4.Eating more fruits and vegetables 5.less fats 6.Managing body weight Treatment of hypertension 1 .Vasoprin 2.Amlodipine 3.moduretic 4.Aldomet 5.Lisinopril 6.Nifedipine Test to be taking for young person having hypertension 1.Renal tests (heart test) 2.FBS /RBS ( fasting blood sugar / Random blood sugar )
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