Monday, August 24, 2020

If you want to stay healthy, you need to know


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--- I hope everyone is well, I wish everyone a good day.Made the video this afternoon I made this video before lunch when I was at work because I had time.Almost all of us are now aware of the state of the world and more or less everyone knows that an unknown panic has been created in the world.Since we haven't had an antidote yet, I hope you enjoy sharing my personal thoughts.
Since I am a dentist so I have given my personal advice from my place I think if anything gets into our body its way is face eyes and nose.We are following Mask and other hygiene rules and using other disinfectants, but at the end of the day some things remain.
I think we should cool our light salt with hot water and it will kill the germs inside the mouth and our throat will be very clean and there will be no inflammation inside the mouth.So I think if the face and mouth is clean then our freshness will increase and appetite will increase and the body's immune system will be fine.So I think to stay away from this invisible virus we must wear Max, use hand sanitizer and follow hygiene rules and gargling with salt hot water which is very important at this time.
Friends, I have tried to express my personal opinion, I hope you will like the video. I have tried to say like me, so everyone stay well, stay healthy and ensure your own safety. Thank you all. --- ▶️ [3Speak](
Originally posted here:

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