Friday, August 21, 2020

Be Mindful about your Health, but do not act Finicky
Well again what I write here many may not agree with me, but then I would still want that you read with an open mind and think for your own-self if it makes any sense. So this is about wearing mask. I have personally not been in favor of wearing the mask for a prolonged period, not for any other reason but for the safety of my own health and the discomfort it causes me. Whenever I wear I feel very suffocated and choked up and want to remove it. Though how much ever I do not want to wear but out of compulsion at some places I have to wear, like supermarkets or when I go to my office, but I make sure it is at the most minimal use. So now that I am back to work after a long break of 7 months, it is not a full time job for me, it is a consulting work, so I work on my own terms. I went to office 2 days ago and the atmosphere I saw, for a moment I wanted to run away from the place. The CEO was all finicky about this whole virus thing. I have seen people getting scared, but to this extent was a bit of a surprise for me. Almost every minute he wants to use a sanitizer, even when he is alone in his cabin he wants to keep the mask on. I did not even want to get closer to his seat, I sat almost at a distance of 10 meters, but he still insisted that I wear the mask. So I gave him a timeline that if I wear a mask he only has maximum 15 minutes to make whatever conversation with me. He did not seem to be very pleased with it, but then I tried to explain to him the health hazards.


[Source]( To that I had an astonishing reply for him. He told me, that yes there will be health hazards for wearing a mask for prolonged periods but those health problems will come at a later stage, for now we have to deal with the virus so we should wear it. In a month or two when the vaccine will be out then we cannot wear it. This man is almost 60 years old. I did not know what to tell him further. I just finished the important conversation with him and left the place and told him from now on I will work only from home and not come to office, because I cannot wear the mask for 10 to 12 hours continuously, and in worst scenario I can also quit. So eventually he was ok with me to work from home. Phewww, I really do not understand, why people cannot be little rational and think for themselves. Why is everyone at large so blindfolded. Honestly I have decided to stop even telling people anything about the dangers of vaccines and wearing mask. If this is the reality they want to live in, no one can help them. It is sad but then they want to live like that. I now really feel that hope the vaccines come out at the earliest, because the ones who have been stuck on the idea of vaccines will take it anyway but in that manner they will relax down with their fears. I have been telling people, being mindful about this virus is required, you need to take actions in a manner that does not cause any other harm to yourself, else what's the use. You try to save yourself from the virus and end up doing things which will cause more harm to you in future. Health problem now or future is a problem for your own self, then how can one make such stupid comments. At this point of time, I am the one who needs to take utmost care because my husband has been out from hospital after a major illness of 7 months, but that does not mean I go hanky panky and keep fearing about everything around. It's crazy. The few things that I do to take care are - The moment I come from outside, the very first thing I do is take a hot steam, have a glass of warm water, wash my face and hands with warm water and change my clothes and keep them for washing. - Since the beginning of the virus I have always avoided to wear the mask unless utmost important. - I always have my Zinc supplements with me, if ever I feel even a little bit of itchiness in my throat I take the supplement and take my vitamin C and multivitamins daily along with 4 to 5 cups of special herbal tea that I prepare mixing all the spices and herbs. I go out regularly, do my work normal, no gloves and no mask and I feel all safe with my own home therapies. I have advised many to follow this. Though I have a lot of different views about this virus, but I do not tell people that you be careless and do whatever you want. All I want to say is be mindful, think about whatever you are doing now to protect yourself from the virus is it really healthy or is it going to invite some other trouble in future. Please do not wear mask while walking, jogging. That's the most dangerous thing you can do to yourself. I know of 2 people who died because of this. They used to go for their run with the mask and both of them passed away due to a heart stroke after finishing their run. This is my advice but yes everyone is matured enough to understand what is for their own good. Some people have also gone a step ahead from WHO guidelines adding their own versions. Truly some crazy times that we are living in. Life is still beautiful if we want to look at it from the other side of it, there is no need to get stuck up in this virus madness all the time. ***Thank you for visiting my blog.*** 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸


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