Wednesday, August 12, 2020

GYM DAY... Legs, Abs and...I Forgot What Else...
Hi y'all, welcome to another boring post by me😁 Today was a good day...nothing bad happened (At least NOT to ME) I hope nothing bad happened to any of you either. Since it was *leg day*, here's a photo of my right calf muscle to grace the blockchain with and be forever recorded in the annals of time. I know some of you pine for a chance to view my various body parts...
***OUCH***...!!! That *hurt*… Have any of you ever tried to take a photo of your calf??? I found out that it isn't easy and can cause a lingering cramp, that makes you curse up a storm afterwards. I don't know why, but I'm sort of prone to cramps in my calves; especially high up, right behind the knee...?!?!?!? Even as a child, I'd cramp up in that spot while swimming, especially. Weird huh? Sometimes I get painfully awoke at night with a deep, excruciating, stabbing pain in one of my calves, regardless of being hydrated and well supplemented with electrolytes or not...(I know this serves as great interest for all of you) ***ANYWAY...***

Squats were first on the agenda and I did four sets of them. The first two sets were more like a warm-up with the last two an all out effort to near failure. I did them on the Smith Machine where you don't need a spotter if you set those safety levers high enough.

If you set those safeties just *under* the level of where the bar ends up in the lowest part of your squat, you won't break your back if something goes wrong. ALWAYS use those safeties, ya *mutts* - I've seen some horrendous injuries to people who didn't. After doing my squats, I moved on over to the seated *leg-press machine* and did a few *deep* sets with moderate weight. The gym I was at today, has that type of machine with the sliding seat, that makes you push your body up along with whatever weight you choose on the *stack*; I like those machines. Doing three or four sets of calf raises on the same machine makes sense, since you're already in a good position to do so. Of course I had to finish up the leg routine with a few sets of leg extensions, followed by some leg curls for the hamstrings...😖 If you *squeeze* hard on both those movements, you'll get the intensity needed within only two or three sets...Then you're pretty much finished at that point.
I used to do many more sets, with much more weight in the squats, but now that I'm older and hopefully wiser I go more for the feel within the targeted muscles themselves. If ever I get an urge to do some heavy squats these days...I only do bench or box squats.Well, that was it for legs today. Afterward, I kicked in some crunches and *reverse* crunches (or knee-ups) for abs. The crunches I did on the machine today...sometimes I do them free-style, either flat or on a slight incline with the board raised up a notch or two. They have a small *Cross-fit* room at this place, so I wandered over to it and experimented with some of that equipment, like the simulated rope climbing gadget and a couple other things, since my energy levels were high. Nothing too intense though. That's about it my friends... Hope you found something worthwhile in reading this. I'm outta here for now... Keep training. Stay healthy...or *get* that way... ***Ciao***


Founder- Free Speech Community


Images: Compliments of My Camera
Originally posted here:

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