Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Fighting Chronic Disease At Its Core
Hello beautiful people. Hope all is going well with you. The World Health Organization(WHO) projects that chronic disease will be about three quarter of every death worldwide by 2020 and we are already in 2020. Chronic diseases like Diabetes, Cancer, Heart disease, Stroke, and the likes has eaten deep into the world.

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[Source](,g_1:boxing&client=ms-android-transsion&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwimzt2mw4TrAhVE_IUKHfm1AhUQ4lYoA3oECAEQDQ#imgrc=xFV2S3Av1rkViM) But guess what? There is a good news and there is a solution to all of these chronic diseases. It has been agreed by the leading health authorities that if we want to promote our health and prevent these diseases, we have to #### 1. Maintain our weight #### 2. Engage in Physical Activities #### 3. Diet (Whole Grains, Fruits, Vegetables, Fish) If we have all the above intact, trust me, chronic diseases will be far away from us and we will live a good, healthy and balanced life. ***Thanks so much for reading... Till I come your way next time... I remain your sugar lovey dovey @oredebby***
Originally posted here:

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