Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Lazy Life, Medicine Expense and Solution


Pleasure life is not good for our good health. If we spend leisure time then we will be in trouble in our upcoming days because doctors going to get more money from us. If we look around us we can easily find such kind of many more examples. Those who are doing some lazy work in sitting in the desk and don't go to gym or any other sports exercise face trouble when they cross the age 40.

If you just look at the village farmers or village labour, you will see they have very good health because they work hard everyday. If we cannot burn the excess fat from our body then it will store in our body. That is very common concept and for this reason they are healthy. The don't need medicine for longer period of time as they are burning the excess fat from their body. That's why the problems like fatty liver diabetics pressure are not very common in their society but these diseases are very common in the rich people society where people are very much lazy.

In previous times people used to to be fit all the time because they had a lot of work outside the home but nowadays it is not very common. Now people are very much lazy and half and like to enjoy the relax Life by staying at home. Hardworking activities is not accepted by many of our colleague friends and neighbours what I have experienced from last 20 years in my life.

Finally I want to give you an example and I hope from this example you will easily understand what I am just trying to mention in today. Let's say you have a car and obviously you have to feed the car with fuel. When you will drive then you will use fuel. But when you will not use the car then obviously you will not give fuel to the car. This is very simple things what we do in our life. Similar things happens to our body as well. When we need fuel then we need to take food and when it is not required then we should not take food. Our food menu should be suggested by our activity level that is how much we are burning. For our movement and daily activities how much we need that's the key. If we take more then it will obviously stored in our body and that will be very much problematic in our life because we are going to struggle in the upcoming days obviously.

So I am controlling today by mentioning 2 things. One is to increase the activity level or or you can decrease the food intake. Obviously you can do both to repent your previous lazy lifestyle. Thank you very much for stopping by.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

Aerobics, Daily Activity, Home Improvement, House Chores, Play with kids/grand kids, Shopping, Table Tennis, Walking, Yard Work

Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive-193552/@engrsayful/actifit-engrsayful-20210901t021404211z

The 5 basics of living and how to help yourself


All my life i used to do most of the things by my own. Especially when it was about important decisions. Of course I asked my family and friends about their opinion and what they would do, but usually I did NOT do what people told me to do and that is one of the most important reason that made me very successful pretty fast.

Every other day someone is trying to tell me how I should live, eat, post, do videos, write, talk, dress, look, behave or whatever. Guys, I don´t listen to anybody who is obviously not caring about himself at all...

Why would someone do that?
That is a very interesting question that can not be answered within one single short blog post, but feel free to book me as a mentor for a couple of years if you really wanna increase your happiness. Look at me now... it´s worth it ;-)

Most of the humans I know and see (I guess it´s 99.9 %) do not follow these basic rules which every homo sapiens sapiensis should feel. You can call it intuition. But wait for it...

What does a sprout need to sprout out?

  • Water
  • Warmth
  • Light
  • Air
  • (nutrition later)
    Who got all 4 out of it? I hope everybody as these are the basic needs for almost any organism in the world we can think about.

Ok kiddos, lets imagine we are a seedling and want to sprout out and grow to a huge beautiful plant. Then there will be another thing we need and that is strength. (Do you grow sprouts? If not, start today! It´s worth it as you will learn a lot about life and you get the best nutrients you can imagime for almost no money.)

How to increase your strenght?
If you´d be a plant, which can not move than the weather and wind would be your sports and train your brown stem to become longer, stronger and thicker, right ladies?

But as we are humans and can move ourselves, we can do sports, stretching and train our mind and muscles. Another thing is that we can and have to choose how much we drink and eat and especially what.

So here are my 5 basic needs me and my mentees follow pretending to LIVE HAPPY:
Nutrition (5-7 L herbal tea and all of the best food you can eat)
Movement (as much as possible, BASTA!!! If you think it´s enough you probably didn´t really start.)
SUN (as we just have 1hr of sun for 3 months/year --> Vitamin D >40.000 i.E./day for at least 9 months)
Relaxation (1 hour for yourself every day doing nothing + sports + yoga, meditation, hobbies,...)
LOVE ans positiveness (best would be to have a partner you can cuddle with naked for at leats 5 mins 3 times a day. If not find an alternative - hug friends, book a prostitute,... Especially make sure to use 75% positive expressions and think about great things that are happening now and will happen).
The funny thing is we all know about that and as childs we try to live intuitively until we are told to sit still, be quiet, stop talking and so on. No matter if it´s the kindergarten or the school, the teacher or parents, friends and other parents it already happened before we can think about it because it is the way our parents and grandparents tought themselves and us to live. You will probably think they just wanted the best for their childs, but just did not have all the information about it.

I thought the same, but it is just not true. We want to love our parents as we were told to, but we should hate them as they are responsible for what happened to the planet in the last decades. We have just been childs and where not able to change the world. Now we are so my friends start today and stand up for the planet and for the mankind. WE need more LOVE and HAPPINESS and less capitalism.

Our parents knew that smoking is unhealthy, they knew that they shouldn´t have believed ads in TV saying milk, meat, bread and tobacco would be healthy. Everybody knows sugar and alcohol is poison, but we consume and sell it anywhere and make our childs addicted to it.

Nowadays it is not acceptable to pretend, that you would not know it. Your body knows what is good for you, but you rather listen to the TV and your parents. You feel it and you can find the information, but you do not look for it. You are so arrogant to think you were right, that you want me to prove you that you are an idiot. You know what. the prove is simple. If you don´t listen to me, you are an idiot, as I am more intelligent than you. And that is not the arrogant thing, that is a scientifically proven fact.

How can somebody even think organic would not be incrementally better than not organic? What´s wrong with you?
Yes, I know you do not get it. You are so distracted by your boring life that you do not see that you life in the matrix and you are just a brainwashed slave. Slavery nowadays is almost perfect as you think "I am fine." "Everything is ok." "I got enough for living." "I got what I need."

So what are your new years resolutions?

Do you want to loose weight, eat more healthy, do more sports, find a partner, increase your salary, work more/less, have more free time, enjoy some special holidays, buy a car, built a house???

Or do you want to become happy?

Message me


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Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive-120078/@germangenius/the-5-basics-of-living

Homemade chicken nuggets [ENG// Spa]



Dear friends I hope you are all very well and eager to read and learn what I come to share with you today, as in all my food publications I come with my personal adaptation of a recipe to prepare the so beloved and famous Chicken Nuggets.

First of all let's talk a little bit about the Chicken Nuggets, they are a food product whose invention is attributed to Agricultural Engineer Robert C. Baker around the 60's in one of his attempts to increase the consumption of poultry meat over beef, another curious fact is that with this product he took advantage of using the less commercialized chicken prey.


Queridos amigos espero todos se encuentren muy bien y con muchas ganas de leer y aprender lo que hoy les vengo a compartir, como en todas mis publicaciones de comidas vengo con mi adaptación personal de una receta para preparar los tan amados y famosos Nuggets de Pollo.

Primero que nada hablemos un poco de los Nuggets de pollo, son un producto alimenticio que su invento se le atribuye al Ingeniero agrícola Robert C. Baker alrededor de los años 60 en uno de sus intentos de lograr incrementar el consumo de carne de aves sobre la carne de res, otro dato curioso es que con este producto se aprovecho de utilizar las presas de pollo menos comercializadas.

Its boom in the market is due to a large fast food chain who was the pioneer in placing it in its menu since 1981, since before this it was considered as a low quality product due to some flaws in the recipes of the manufacturing companies.

It was also a very timely product since chicken was only marketed whole and it was too much for small families and too little for large families, it also required a lot of time to prepare it and in the post-war era women were joining the labor force which required quick food to prepare due to lack of time.

In my particular case when we want to eat them we avoid buying them frozen, so we ensure healthy nutrition at home and that is why I come to share my personal recipe to prepare them at home.

Su auge en el mercado se le debe a una gran cadena de comida rápida quien fue la pionera en colocarlo en su menú desde el año de 1981, ya que antes de esto lo consideraban como un producto de baja calidad por algunas fallas en las recetas de las empresas fabricantes.

También fue un producto muy oportuno ya que el pollo solo se comercializaba completo y era mucho para familias pequeñas y muy poco para familias grandes, además requería mucho tiempo el prepararlo y en la era post guerra las mujeres estaban incorporándose a la masa laboral lo que requerían alimentos rápidos de preparar por falta de tiempo.

En mi caso particular cuando queremos comerlos evitamos comprarlos congelados, así nos asegurarnos de una sana nutrición en casa y es por eso que les vengo a compartir mi receta personal para prepararlos en casa.

It is a very simple and practical recipe, here are the ingredients.

Es una receta muy sencilla y practica les comparto los ingredientes.

Ingredients // Ingredientes

  • Chicken breast 1.

  • Eggs 1.

  • Corn flour or bread crumbs 100 gr.

  • Oil for frying 200 ml.

  • Salt and pepper to taste.

• Pechuga de pollo 1.

• Huevos 1.

• Harina de maíz o pan rallado 100 gr.

• Aceite para freír 200 ml.

• Sal y pimienta al gusto.


The preparation is very simple.

La preparación es muy sencilla.

Take the chicken breast, make sure it has no bones and cut it into squares or several portions.

Tomamos la pechuga de pollo verificamos que no tenga ningún hueso y la cortamos en cuadros o varias porciones.


Once all the chicken breast is cut, we start to pass it through the food processor until we get a kind of dough.

Una vez cortada toda la pechuga la empezamos a pasar por el procesador de alimentos hasta que quede una especie de masa.


Add all the processed chicken in a bowl and add the rest of the ingredients such as the egg, salt, pepper and flour, adding a little so that the dough is easy to handle.

Agregamos todo el pollo procesado en un bol y le vamos incorporando el resto de los ingredientes como son el huevo, la sal, pimienta y la harina agregamos un poco para que la masa sea manipulable.


Then we grab with a spoon a portion of the dough and pass it through a plate with the remaining flour so that when frying it gives us the crunchy texture.

Luego agarramos con una cucharilla una porción de la masa y la pasamos por un plato con la harina restante para que al freír nos de la textura crocante.


Finally we proceed to fry until it has a golden color, turn and fry the other side.

When ready on both sides let it drain on a napkin and ready to serve and enjoy the favorite of the little ones of the house.

Ya por ultimo procedemos a freír hasta que tenga un color dorado, volteamos y freímos la otra cara.

Al estar listo por ambos lados dejamos escurrir en una servilleta y listo a servir y degustar el favorito de los más pequeños de la casa.


As I told you before, it is a very easy and practical recipe, and besides, when preparing it at home it is much healthier than buying it commercially, which allows us to give it to our children without any remorse.

So far I share this delivery today I hope you have enjoyed and are encouraged to prepare them yourselves and then I will read the comments.

Como ya les dije antes es una receta muy fácil, practica y además al prepárala en casa es mucho más saludable que la comprar comercial, lo que permite que le podamos dar a nuestros hijos sin ningún remordimiento.

Hasta aquí comparto esta entrega el día de hoy espero hayan disfrutado y se animen a prepararlos ustedes mismos y luego leeré los comentarios.

We will keep in touch and may God bless you greatly.

Seguiremos en contacto y que Dios les bendiga grandemente.

The photos are of my property taken with my ZTE Blade Spark cell phone edited with Microsoft Paint and here I leave the source of the image I used as cover which was also edited in Microsoft paint.

Las fotos son de mi propiedad tomadas con mi celular ZTE Blade Spark editadas con Microsoft Paint y acá les dejo la fuente de la imagen que utilice de portada la que también fue editada en Microsoft paint.

Source//Fuente de la info sobre los Nuggets

Translator // Traductor Deelp

Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive-120586/@soychalbed/homemade-chicken-nuggets-eng-spa

The Way of Love is the Way of Responsibility and Freedom!




Welcome to this week's edition of Mindful Life! Today, I bring you a nice selection of posts encouraging us to appreciate the best of life, even in places or among people we don't necessarily find agreeable, and also to take responsibility for our actions and their consequences, knowing that self-love and the love toward our world is inextricably bound to that sense of discipline.


I've learned a lot about discipline through many practices, most recently Historical Fencing, but it wasn't until I read Frank Herbert's "Dune" series for the first time last year that I equated it with Freedom. Yes, it's a paradox, but Love reconciles all paradoxes. It turns out that when we know what we're supposed to do in this world, when we know our Purpose, we can follow it unerringly to greater expansion, ease and wonder. That absolutely requires that we hold ourselves accountable for our actions, so the path we follow compels us but, if we choose to see this as service and not as burden, if we meet our task with gratitude and not complaint, the world opens to us. Here you can read @netizen01's own perspectives on this topic Freedom.


One of the many ways in which Dune approaches the concept of discipline is through the Fremen, the semi-nomadic inhabitants of the eponymous desert planet where most of the novels take place. Seamlessly adapted to their extreme environment, they're masters of conservation of water, specifically its more diffuse form, moisture. They use condensation devices outside their underground communities in order to catch the moisture of the air, and wear special suits that perfectly recycle the body's own moisture, even urine and feces. Water waste is a crime punishable by death, for every person owns their own flesh, but their water belongs to the tribe. I think we could learn a lot from the Fremen now, because water is indeed a scarce resource, as countries with poor or battered infrastructure like mine, can attest. Take a look at this stupendous contribution by @emiliomoron on the subject of water waste in Venezuela and the world at large, an issue that we should be quite mindful of.


Vibrationally, the element of water is an expression of the primordial essence of the Universe, of Life itself, and the Emotion that fuels it. Water is quite literally Love, the source of everything that changes, flows and breathes. When we strengthen our discipline, we also flow better with the world at large, and realize the worth of everything around us. Every form of life deserves our reverence and respect, and by providing it, we also revere and respect our essence, bringing greater peace to our inner waters and thus navigating reality more thoroughly and joyfully. See what @evernoticethat has to say about respecting life, be it a bug, a tree or a person, and also helping others see the relevance of this in a healthy fashion.


When we flow better, we love more. When we love more, we can feel love everywhere and therefore, our gratitude rises. Often we assume that taking responsibility for our actions means just assuming the consequences of poor choices or mistakes, but fortunately, it also means taking full credit for our successes and the growth we've achieved! That's where gratitude truly starts to take root in our everyday life. I've talked a lot about my country and I'm sure many readers have had more than their fair share of information about it due to the overwhelming presence of my compatriots here. Most Venezuelans will tell you that this place is a ruin and yet, objectively speaking, there's a huge mess to resolve, but I've fallen in love with living here again, and much more deeply than ever before. Despite all the things that have gone wrong, I find great and increasing beauty all around me. That's what @misslasvegas is experiencing too, because in spite of her disagreements with Irish culture, she finds majesty in the country's wondrous landscapes.


Gratitude necessarily stems from a connection to the whole, a connection which water represents tangibly. Emotions make us one entity, at any moment we can sense what others are feeling, experience it within. Despite common belief to the contrary, there aren't people who lack empathy, only people who have managed to find some terribly costly way of repressing it. Make no mistake, these people still experience their emotions and those of others, they just exteriorize them in often hurtful ways instead of accepting and internalizing them. We all do that to some extent, actually, and those reactions are typically related to defense mechanisms of our egos. The ego is merely a narrative with which our minds attempt to define who and what we are. It can be a tool, but more often than not, we lack the training to use it effectively and are unaware of its existence. The more we let our egos unchecked, the harder it is to see ourselves and therefore, the less responsible, thankful and joyous we are. I decided to end this curation with an insight on the matter, so you can read this contribution by @bayuismail, where he discusses how letting our egos run wild can develop into selfishness that separates us from others and makes us bitter inside.


Thank you so much for reading! This week I chose @elamental as a 5% beneficiary for his lovely art and his work on self-awareness


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Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive-120078/@naturalmedicine/the-way-of-love-is-the-way-of-responsibility-and-freedom




Witnessing the remarkable recovery of nature following devastation, never ceases to amaze me. I've seen a mountainside ravaged by wildfire one year and the following year be a more magnificent show of proteas and fynbos than ever before. In my early (and ignorant) homesteading years I enthusiastically hacked a fruit tree to a skeleton of its former self. It took that poor plum tree two years to recover from my amateur efforts. And yet in the subsequent seasons it bore more prolifically than any of its neighbours who had evaded (who knows how) my enthusiastic pruning.


Our small olive grove has just been pruned for the first time. Ever. By professionals. We learned a lot. The olive trees are grateful. The goats are grateful. The chickens are grateful. The bugs are not.


Olive trees were our first homesteading investment and purchase. We bought 40 saplings between one and two years old. We planted them. We watered them. We gave them plenty compost. We gave them time to grow big and strong. We waited. And waited. And waited.....


When it seemed like the young olive trees would begin fruiting a terrible wind destroyed all the baby olive blossoms. Next, BuckarooSenior - who thinks wielding a secateur automatically qualifies you - chopped here and there. The olive trees resembled a Picasso. Which, as an artist, even I find - shall we say - painful. We continued to water and compost. We also continued to buy our olives elsewhere. Recently heard about this fascinating woman and her pruning team.


She came in and tenderly worked her way through our olive grove. Instructing the young people as the pile of olive branches grew. And grew. And GREW


Trying not to get in the way the BuckarooFamily hovered in the winter sun with our equally excited chickens. Once you get over the shock of them cutting so much you can soon appreciate the similarity between a tree needing to be pruned....and a person.


The reality is that we are all like diamonds in the rough. The beauty only really sparkles once your edges have been thoroughly smoothed. And often in a not too gentle manner. Of course, to stick with the olive tree analogy, we humans need the hardship of a severe pruning to really bear fruit. We may not like it. At all. We may not think it is necessary. Or nice. Neither did the olive trees, I'm sure.


The olive trees may in all likelihood miss a season but when they do bear .... how beautifully and bountifully they will bear fruit!!! It would be so much less painful if this were not the case. But it is the nature of man. And tree.


Back in paradise the olive trees may be feeling rather naked without their huge coat. But everyone else on the homestead is appreciating the pruning. We'll mill the dried leaves to use as a dewormer. Both for humans and animals. Because there are are so many leaves it'll probably get added into the chickens nests. Speaking of chickens they are loving the open spaces and the little bugs that have fled from their diminished homes. Let's not forget my beloved goats. They were due for an immune boost and dewormer. We dragged armloads of branches into their night enclosure and the goats have been blissfully nibbling ever since.


Of course the mountainside where the little olive grove flourishes is beautiful. Perfect for a picnic. And childhood games. We are excited about the future fruit that will drip in their healthy beauty from those branches. This season we still enjoy the olives we bought and processed from another farm. But next year......


Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive-127788/@buckaroobaby/being-cut-down-to-size