Saturday, February 6, 2021

CO2- Food for the underground ecosystem or the death of humanity? OUR CHOICE
Ever heard of carbon dioxide heating our atmosphere as a microwave? Many times I guess... But do you know that carbon dioxide is essential to our ecosystem? Most important compounds to feed each and every plant in our planet. As long as it stays underground. I covered the garden with waste cardboard, autumn leaves and straw, for the winter. Before planting in spring, I will remove the mulch and compost it for the next year. I will cover the garden with a thick layer of cured compost, which will represent a new layer of mulch, and in that layer of compost, the seeds will germinate and develop into strong healthy plants.


It breaks my heart when I see uncovered fields, deeply dug into a heart of the soil, ruined by heavy machinery and covered with pesticides that's killing the ecosystem in the soil. Soil is a living organism. Healthy soil must contain millions and millions of living creatures that make the soil rich.


Soil treated with heavy machinery and sprayed with war poisons, nowadays called pesticides is an empty soil. And within years and years of invasive farming and improper soil treatment, the land becomes a desert. This already happened in America, The Dust Bowl, they called it. It got solved by every day people establishing gardens around their house and lands and food preservation and not by corporations who have starved these lands to dust. All of this is very contradiction since we know that nothing grows in the desert. The solution to all of that is very easy- just don't let the soil uncovered. If all those involved in agriculture covered arable land, we would solve the biggest part of the global warming problem. Cows help in this story too. We need them to produce fertilizer. But not too much of it at the same place. The solution is very easy: we shouldn't keep cows enclosed in small pastures where too much fertiliser (cow manure) kills all the plants and contributes to even more air pollution, or even in a barn where animals are kept as prisoners. Just letting the cows walk through the fields after the harvest, it would naturally fertilise all the fields. That would also mean that farmers would have to start working together in small communities with a goal of self-sufficiency, not letting big corporations to slowly bring them into debt and at the end taking over their lands for a shameful price. Respecting soil and a goal of self-sufficiency is a salvation not to turn our earth into a desert.
Originally posted here:

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