Saturday, February 27, 2021

Be careful of the Cat's Fleas! It's dangerous for human too


Hello, friends! Today i would like to share one of my horrible experience in facing one disease, i have never experienced this bad thing before. Well actually i felt the symptoms of these red puffy itchy and hurt on my left foot first few days ago, at first i thought it was insects' bites. Recently in our office we tidied up the hardcopy documents so i thought it happened in my office. But, after few days it even getting worst, it hurt, itchy, puffy and bad thing was it also appeared on my hands too. what a mess! The condition of my skin


It started from my feet then legs, thighs and also my arms :' So this morning, i decided to call the dermatologist, a nurse answered the phone that my doctor, like usually, will open at 8-11 am and 5-8.30pm. My sickness made me uncomfortable and made me as soon as possible has to meet the doctor. So after mom and i took a bath then we went to the house of the dermatologist. When we came, oh la la many patients were there. OMG, i know that it should wait for a long time until my number was called. I got the 43, while the patients that inside only around 10 something. It was quite through cause i actually met the doctor at 11.30 something. What a time to wait! We should come earlier... :'


When the nurse called my number, we still had to wait inside with some other patients. Then after waiting again, time to go to the examination room. The doctor like usually greets me nicely and he asked who was sick today. Mom answered it was me, he examined my skin and he said it was because of the cat's fleas. My skin was sensitive and soft. The fleas irritated it. He shot me with the allergic medicine. I also got two kind of medicines which i should take twice a day, in the morning and also evening. I must finish all of this medicine. He also gave me a kind of ointment, that would help with the itchy and hurt of my skin, it will also help me with the marks. It should be put on my reddish skin 3 times a day, after i took a shower in the morning, afternoon and also before i go to sleep. He asked me not to scratch it so it wouldn't left any dark marks on my skin. He also asked us to clean my bedroom especially the ceiling cause usually the cat's fleas like to live there, where the place had high humidity, during the rainy season. He also said that usually it cause of the cat's which just gave birth to the kitten, the cat and also kitten should kept far away from our place. He also asked about my psoriasis skin which already has been better and better so he only asked me to maintain it healthy with the baby lotion and 5,000 IU of D3 vitamin every morning. The medicines i got from the doctor.


My dermatologist said to me, get well soon before we said good bye. If i still have any symptoms next saturday i need to meet him again. Hopefully i would get a speedy recovery. I share about this issue about skin health in order to warn you to ne careful with animals' fleas and i hope you would be all healthy. See you again in my next article, friends. Stay tune!
Originally posted here:

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