Saturday, February 6, 2021

The UGLY TRUTH about the Covid-19 Vaccines - Massive Adverse Reactions and Multiple Deaths Reported
# The UGLY TRUTH about the Covid-19 Vaccines - Massive Adverse Reactions and Multiple Deaths Reported ####


> Image [source]( This will be one of the most important [posts]( I have ever made. So, as to provide the reader with the most **clear, unbiased, and objective information**, I will refrain from presenting personal opinions and instead **lay bare the facts so that that you can decide for yourself upon the validity and cruciality of the matter at hand**. I have decided to structure this post as follows: - **1. Introduction (including What is a Covid-19 vaccine and which drug companies are providing them?)** - **2. Official Facts & Figures from VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System)** - **3. Medical Doctors Opposing the Covid-19 vaccine** - **4. The WHO's statement (about the Covid-19 vaccine)** - **5. Relevant Articles documenting Adverse Reactions & Deaths** - **6. How to protect yourself against unwanted forced vaccines** - **7. Conclusion** ## 1. Introduction (including What is a Covid-19 vaccine and which drug companies are providing them?) #### We all know that this global pandemic has had devastating consequences for everyone around the globe - not only in terms of related deaths, but significantly in terms of economic devastation and the ability for people to go to work, lead "normal" lives, travel freely, enjoy the company of their friends and family, and so on. While this pandemic has been largely reported by the mainstream media as one of the worst ever, the reality is not the case at all as the [Spanish Flu had killed a significantly larger portion of the world's population back a century ago in 1918-1919]( In fact, at that time the world's population was around 1/7th of what it is today (around 1 billion) and **an estimated 40-50 million people died back then compared to about [2.2. million from today](**.


> Image source: Visual Capitalist - [Visualizing the History of Pandemics]( Back then, the various governments and health authorities did not "shut down" everything as they have done in 2020 and in 2021 thus far. And the additional health and economic consequences of **those over-reaching decisions have additionally compounded the suffering of the masses in terms of cancelled surgeries and medical procedures, suicides, business closures, bankruptcies, increased unemployment, [travel restrictions](, and so on.** One can easily ask: **has the cure been worse than the disease?** ### What is the Covid-19 vaccine? #### Before addressing this question, I would first like to outline the correct terminology that we should use. **Covid-19 refers to the disease** one may develop due to catching **SARS-COV-2** which is the name of the **virus** which is *one* type of **coronavirus**. According to the [WHO (World Health Organization)]( > Vaccines work by training and preparing the body’s natural defences --- the immune system--- to recognize and fight off the viruses and bacteria they target. If the body is exposed to those disease-causing germs later, the body is immediately ready to destroy them, preventing illness. Other basic information about the Covid-19 vaccine can be found from the following sources: - WHO [Covid-19 vaccines]( - FDA - [Covid-19 vaccines]( - Mayo Clinic - [COVID-19 vaccines: Get the facts]( - CDC - [Different COVID-19 Vaccines]( Unfortunately, while these organizations might appear as reputable ones and are the ones various governments and health authorities around the world refer to with regards to their health policies and procedures, I have extensively demonstrated in a previous [exposé]( how corrupt they have been with regards to previous egregious doings and highly unethical and profiteering practices with [Big Pharma]( In that exposé, I have clearly outlined and extensively enumerated how the [WHO](, the [FDA and CDC]( have on multiple occasions breached their duty in protecting the interests of patients. Rather, they have been highly influenced and coerced by Big Pharma interests. Even the very "reputable" **Mayo Clinic**, as referenced above appears to have its own deficiencies, shortcomings, and questionable practices. All you need to do is watch the [video]( they have on the page referenced above; listen to it and you will see for yourself how the person in the video is speaking **outright lies (that the Covid-19 vaccine is very safe) that do not align at all with the facts presented in this paper and by other government agencies (specfically, VAERS).** ### What are the usual steps for vaccine development? #### **For decades, scientists have been trying to develop a vaccine to counter coronaviruses, but for the most part have been *unsuccessful***. **Normal vaccine development time can take up to 10-15 years (or more) to complete**. *[source](]* While the **process of vaccine development** along with its related standards, regulation, and oversight can vary from country to country, generally speaking, they occur in progressive **stages** and **phases** *(source: [The History of Vaccines - Vaccine Development, Testing, and Regulation](*: - The **first steps** usually involve testing in a **laboratory** setting and on **animals** (*Exploratory Stage* - usually lasting 2-4 years + *Pre-Clinical Stage* - cell-culture systems and animal testing to assess the safety of the candidate vaccine and its immunogenicity, or ability to provoke an immune response) - **Phase I Vaccine Trials - on humans** - to assess the safety of the candidate vaccine and to determine the type and extent of immune response that the vaccine provokes. - **Phase II Vaccine Trials - on humans** - to study the candidate vaccine’s safety, immunogenicity, proposed doses, schedule of immunizations, and method of delivery - **Phase III Vaccine Trials - on humans** - assess vaccine safety in a large group of people (among other things) - **Phase IV Trials** - optional studies that drug companies may conduct after a vaccine is released. The manufacturer may continue to test the vaccine for safety, efficacy, and other potential uses. - **Evaluation of Vaccine Safety & VAERS (in the US)** - The CDC and FDA established The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System in 1990. The goal of VAERS, according to the CDC, is “to detect possible signals of adverse events associated with vaccines.” (A signal in this case is evidence of a possible adverse event that emerges in the data collected.) About 30,000 events are reported each year to VAERS. Between 10% and 15% of these reports describe serious medical events that result in hospitalization, life-threatening illness, disability, or death. **A little bit more on VAERS:** VAERS is a voluntary reporting system. **Anyone, such as a parent, a health care provider, or friend of the patient, who suspects an association between a vaccination and an adverse event may report that event and information about it to VAERS**. The CDC then investigates the event and tries to find out whether the adverse event was in fact caused by the vaccination. The CDC states that they monitor VAERS data to - Detect new, unusual, or rare vaccine adverse events - Monitor increases in known adverse events - Identify potential patient risk factors for particular types of adverse events - Identify vaccine lots with increased numbers or types of reported adverse events - Assess the safety of newly licensed vaccines ### Which Pharmaceutical Companies have been developing the Covid-19 vaccine? And, have they been following normal vaccine development standards? #### While at one point there were nearly 100 candidates for the vaccine development, some [major players]( have been in the running to this potentially highly-lucrative undertaking (i.e., as various governments around the world have committed to buying millions of doses). Such major players include **Pfizer & BioNTech** (working collaboratively on a highly experimental **mRNA vaccine**), **Moderna** (RNA-based vaccine),AstraZeneca, **GlaxoSmithKline**, **Johnson & Johnson**, among many others.


While these pharmaceutical giants have been working on various forms of Covid-19 vaccines since mid-2020, some have already been deployed en masse on humans in various countries - to devastating effects I must add. These Covid-19 vaccines have been **developed in less than 7 months - something which is grossly rushed and not in-line with usual and standard practices (as was clearly delineated above)**. **Some or several of the usual steps, stages, and phases have been bypassed and we are seeing the results of these negligent actions in the number of reported cases (excluding *unreported* cases, of course) of adverse reactions and deaths related to the administration of these rushed, inadequately tested, and experimental vaccines.** Let us now have a look at the ugly numbers - at least for those that have been reported. ## 2. Official Facts & Figures from VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) #### VAERS, or 'Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System', was described in the previous section as an important means to have **a centralized location to report adverse effects and deaths related to the administration of a particular vaccine.** While VAERS appears to be mostly for the United States, it can still **give us an important insight as to the risks involved with these new Covid-19 vaccines.** **So what are the numbers?** You can download the lastest full report from VAERS official website at: []( Note that the exact date on which this file has been compiled is not specific, as it does not appear on their website, nor in the actual file; but it is safe to assume it was prepared last year (perhaps in December, not sure), as "2020" figures in the name of the file. In other words, **these figures don't include any from 2021**. If you open the file in Microsoft Excel, you will see **52,935 rows of data** (*note that I have downloaded the file on February 6, 2021*) each of which represents some kind of adverse effect or death. While not all of these are directly from a "COVID19" (VAX_TYPE as they state in Column B), you can easily count them; I've done a quick count and the number of entries with "COVID19" stand at a whopping **25,155 cases** (nearly half of all entries). #### Very troubling figures #### **25,155** is an astounding figure given that **it only comprises a few months of data** from the period from which said Covid-19 vaccines have been deployed; and keep in mind that **these are reported cases for the United States only.** A significant portion of these are from **PFIZER/BIONTECH2** and **MODERNA**. Moreover, from what I referenced above - namely, that the **CDC and FDA** who had established The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System noted that usually "about **30,000** events are reported each year to VAERS". Let's do the math. **Nearly 84% (25155 / 30000) of the cases are COVID19 related!** in this is probably only for 2-3 months of 2020 since the vaccines were deployed after September/October of 2020. If you don't want to go through the details of the file itself, you can watch the following **video that very briefly summarizes its contents**: **VIDEO: [VAERS - Pfizer and Moderna adverse reaction reports escalating at an alarming rate... ](** (URL: []( It's doesn't take a genius to figure out that **these figures are highly indicative of a systemic disaster in the rushed deployment of these highly experimental vaccines.** Despite this, governments and health authorities around the world continue to administer them on their population bases, seemingly regardless of these ill effects and reported deaths. Even a significant portion of doctors and nurses have shown their reluctance to both take and administer these highly questionable vaccines in their respective practices and jurisdictions. ## 3. Medical Doctors Opposing the Covid-19 vaccine #### While there are too many references of medical doctors, researchers, medical practitioners, and nurses who are opposed to the deployment and administration of these rushed vaccines, I will nonetheless mention one in particular so that the reader can get an intimate perspective of those who have been asked to deliver these dangerous and toxic doses to patients. These doctors have very reputable credentials and come from all over the world. - [Principia Scientific International]( (*a UK-based association that promotes independent scientific research*) - **[100,000 Doctors & Medical Professionals Oppose COVID-19 Vaccine](**, published December 16, 2020. (article written by [Dr. Andrew Kaufman]( A few **highlights** [emphasis added]: > Over 100,000 doctors and various health professionals have now united against the government planned genocide, with the **pharmaceutical giants ready to start the slaughter in the long term care homes via an untested vaccine that purposely skipped animal trials.** > The **uninformed public is also targeted first and foremost, simply believing the government would never lie to them.** The government is more than lying and these health professionals go on the record to document the government and media lies. > As the vaccine is set to kill and cripple the seniors and the uninformed in the first wave of genocide, their vaccine induced deaths and disease states will be used as the excuse to force the vaccine on everyone else, as the evil media and corrupt government will simply re-label the medical genocide as COVID-19 or something more deadly than COVID. > There is no pandemic, the governments are faking the death counts (simply placing all deaths in the fabricated COVID category), all the governments are using a fraudulent RT-PCR machine to mark healthy people as infected (therefore driving a fear based case-demic of people who aren’t ill) plus the vaccine is designed to kill, cripple and/or cause infertility. While a lot in the text above might appear, at prima facie, as conjecture, the fact remains that there is a lot of truth to what he is saying, as has been clearly demonstrated by official government data in the previous section. Furthermore, the other doctors state many other under-reported facts that are negligently left out by the mainstream media outlets. You can also watch the following related video in which Dr. Kaufman and many other doctors from around the world state what reality they are seeing and experiencing in their own jurisdictions: - **[Ask The Experts (Covid-19 Vaccine) - Now Banned on YouTube and Facebook ]( )**, duration: 27 minutes 48 seconds. (video URL: []( ## 4. The WHO's statement (about the Covid-19 vaccine) #### As per a January 3, 2021 article entitled [WHO, Fauci Warn COVID-19 Vaccines May Not Prevent Infection and Disease Transmission](, **even the WHO chief scientist warns that the Covid-19 may not prevent infection and disease transmission** >At a virtual press conference held by the World Health Organization (WHO) on Dec. 28, 2020, **WHO officials warned there is no guarantee that COVID-19 vaccines will prevent people from being infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus and transmitting it to other people.** One has to immediately ask: then **what exactly is the purpose of having a Covid-19?** It seems that all we have been hearing from governments and health authorities for the past year is the need to prevent further spreading of the virus. Although many [questionable and harsh] measures have been taken for this, they have all been aggressively pushing for a vaccine that would serve an ultimate backstop. Yet, **if these Covid-19 vaccines neither prevent the infection nor do they stop the spread of the disease, then what function are they serving? (apart from big profits - in the $billions - for Big Pharma)** Any inquisitive mind would be asking this critical question. Here are some links to some articles about this should you wish to read more: - The Vaccine Reaction - [WHO, Fauci Warn COVID-19 Vaccines May Not Prevent Infection and Disease Transmission](, January 3, 2021 - The National Post (Canada) - [WHO chief scientist not confident vaccines prevent transmission]( - The Burning Platform - [WHO Chief Scientist Warns “No Evidence COVID Vaccine Prevents Viral Transmission”]( > From a now [deleted Tweet]( (video still viewable):


> Source: []( ## 5. Relevant Articles documenting Adverse Reactions & Deaths #### Once again, while there are so many instances of articles that have documented the countless cases of adverse effects and deaths - particularly among seniors and in nursing homes - here are some to give you a [bitter] taste of the sheer ugliness of what these toxic injections are providing to an all-too-trusting and vulnerable public. In each, you can read about the relevant details and specific adverse reactions and circumstances surrounding such instances. On occasion, I will include some excerpts/quotes from the original articles. - **ZeroHedge - [Norwegian Nursing Home Patients Dead After Receiving First Dose Of Pfizer COVID Vaccine](**, Jan 07, 2021 - **ZeroHedge - [Rate Of Adverse Reactions To COVID Vaccines Already 50x Higher Than Flu Shot](**, Jan 05, 2021 - **ZeroHedge - [100s Of Israelis Infected With COVID After Receiving Pfizer Vaccine Amid Frenzied Inoculation Campaign](**, Jan 02, 2021 - **ZeroHedge - ["I'm Choosing The Risk Of Getting COVID": Over Half Of Health Care Workers At California Hospitals Refuse Vaccinations](**, Jan 01, 2021 >"I’m choosing the risk — the risk of having COVID, or the risk of the unknown of the vaccine," said 31-year-old nurse April Lu of the Providence Holy Cross Medical Center in Los Angeles, who added that she refused to take the vaccine because she wasn't convinced of its safety for pregnant woman. Lu is six months pregnant. >"I think I’m choosing the risk of COVID. I can control that and prevent it a little by wearing masks, although not 100% for sure," she added. Lu isn't alone, with several of her co-workers similarly refusing to take the vaccine. >Another healthcare worker, office assistant Nicholas Ruiz at Natividad Medical Center in Salinas, California says that while he interacts with nurses who deal with COVID-19 patients, he's not taking the vaccine either. >Read the rest of the report [here]( - **ZeroHedge - [Swiss Patient Dies Shortly After Receiving Pfizer COVID Vaccine](**, Dec 31, 2020 - **ZeroHedge - [WHO Chief Scientist Warns "No Evidence COVID Vaccine Prevents Viral Transmission" ](**, Dec 29, 2020 >The comments were made by WHO chief scientist Soumya Swaminathan during what appears to have been a virtual press conference held Monday: >>"I don't believe we have the evidence on any of the vaccines to be confident that it's going to prevent people from actually getting the infection and therefore being able to pass it on”, says WHO Chief Scientist >Of course, **a close look at the research released by Pfizer and Moderna shows the studies haven't actually tested whether the vaccines actually prevent transmission of the virus**; the goal of the trials was to see whether vaccinated patients presented with COVID symptoms at a rate that was substantially less frequent than individuals who hadn't been vaccinated. - **ZeroHedge - [FDA Says 2 Participants In Pfizer COVID Vaccine Trial Have Died](**, Dec 08, 2020 - **ZeroHedge - [Ex-Pfizer Exec Demands EU Halt COVID-19 Vaccine Studies Over 'Indefinite Infertility' And Other Health Concerns](**, Dec 06, 2020 - **ZeroHedge - [Chief Medical Officer Says Canadians Who Refuse Vaccine Won't Have "Freedom To Move Around"](**, Dec. 05, 2020 > Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer **says that those who refuse to take the COVID vaccine won’t have “freedom to move around”** and will have to continue to wear masks.


>Dr. David Williams was asked if he “would make some sort of mandatory vaccination recommendation.” >Williams acknowledged that “*we can’t force someone to take a vaccine*,” but when on to explain how people who didn’t take it would have their freedom of mobility severely restricted. “*What we can do is to say sometimes for access or ease of getting into certain settings, if you don’t have vaccination then you’re not allowed into that setting without other protection materials,*” said Williams. >“*What may be mandatory is proof of…vaccination in order to have latitude and freedom to move around…without wearing other types of personal protective equipment,*” he added. >If bars, restaurants, cinemas, sports venues, airlines, employers and others all make the vaccination a mandatory condition of service, **anyone who refuses to take it will be reduced to a personal form of de facto lockdown with their social lives and mobility completely stunted.** In a [previous post]( from six months ago, I expressed concern about what the **Canadian government** were planning with regards to **a potential mandatory vaccination program** following the **[Pfizer and Moderna's contract with them](** in this regard. In that piece, I reference a [CCTV article 'Feds strike deal with pharmaceutical firms for millions of doses of COVID-19 vaccine']( for which I highlighted the following: > which was stated by Canadian Innovation Minister Navdeep Bains the following troubling words: > >"**Until we immunize all Canadians**, we must also focus on producing treatments for those who contract the virus," >Both Bains and Anand said they will be working closely with Health Minister Patty Hajdu and Chief Public Health Officer Dr. Theresa Tam on a vaccine rollout plan, which will include **decision-making on whether to make vaccination mandatory or voluntary**. [a reference to what Minister Bains said along with Mrs. Anand, the Minister of Public Services and Procurement]. **To say that Canadian health authorities are considering making these dangerous Covid-19 vaccines upon 33 million Canadians is not only careless, but worrisome to say the least.** - **ZeroHedge - [FDA Confirms Pfizer Vaccine 95% Effective, Warns Of 'Severe Adverse Reactions' After Dose 2](**, Dec 08, 2020 - **Strategika (in French) - [Le patron de Pfizer fête Hanoukka après avoir reçu le feu vert final pour distribuer son vaccin contre le coronavirus à travers les États-Unis](**, [Pfizer boss celebrates Hanukkah after receiving final green light to distribute coronavirus vaccine across United States] Dec 22, 2020 - [Google translated (from French)]( - **Alt-Market - [Is The Globalist "Reset" Failing? The Elites May Have Overplayed Their Hand](**, Dec 10, 2020 > **Why should we ask 99.7% of Americans or the world to accept medical tyranny just to make .26% of the population feel safe?** >**The vaccine rush and the claims of effectiveness of 94% to 95% from Pfizer and Moderna are suspect.** The average effectiveness of most vaccines is around 50% or less, and these are vaccines with hundreds of trials and years of usage. Somehow, Pfizer and Moderna were both able to produce a vaccine for a SARS type virus when multiple governments tried for over a decade to produce vaccines for SARS in China and were unsuccessful, and they were able to achieve 95% effectiveness? > The elites know that a third of Americans (and probably Europeans) will not take the vaccine regardless of any propaganda they dish out. **They also know that 60% of Americans are unlikely to take the vaccine unless they can show an effectiveness rate of at least 75%. Neither Moderna nor Pfizer have actually produced any evidence that their vaccines are capable of prevented severe illness or death from Covid**, so, their effectiveness rate is based on “projections” of success according to their minimal trials. Meaning, the effectiveness rate of 95% is completely arbitrary. >The public is right to be suspicious. **A [former Pfizer vice president, Dr. Michael Yeadon]( among other medical professionals have recently warned that the vaccines have not been adequately tested and that there is a [risk of “indefinite infertility” for women who take the current Covid vaccine](** due to damaging autoimmune response. In other words, the vaccine could make many women barren and unable to have children. As you can see in the passage above, **even a former Pfizer vice-president has warned that these vaccines have not been adequately tested and pose a risk of infertility for women.** ## 6. How to protect yourself against unwanted forced vaccines #### **As various governments and health authorities keep pushing the illusion that Covid-19 vaccines are safe and that everyone should get them, and, while the mainstream media outlets refuse to do any real investigative or objective reporting on the matter, we, as people who are rightfully concerned with our health, should take our own precautions with regards to this virus.** Moreover, we need to keep an eye on our respective legislators to see if they are being [aggressively lobbied by large pharmaceutical firms]( who are pushing for the sale and administration of hundreds of millions of doses of their experimental, obviously dangerous and unproven Covid-19 vaccines. ### You are protected against unwanted vaccination under the law #### As I succinctly outlined in a previous post about [Covid-19 Vaccination Status Passports](, legally, no country nor its health authorities has any legal right to force-vaccinate us. Specifically in that [article](, I stated the following: >Here's **where the law *is* on your side though**: > >The **[International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights](** from the **United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner** (URL: []( **clearly states in Article 7:** > >


> > **International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights**, Adopted and opened for signature, ratification and accession by General Assembly resolution 2200A (XXI) of 16 December 1966 entry into force 23 March 1976, in accordance with Article 49, *source:* > > Article 7 > No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. In particular, **no one shall be subjected without his free consent to medical or scientific experimentation.** > >As no one shall be subjected **without his free consent** to medical or scientific experimentation, **this clearly outlines your rights not to be forced to take a vaccination - certainly not an experimental one which many from Pfizer, Moderna, and others actually are - against your will.** > >**And any person or entity enforcing this upon you would be in direct violation of this legal right** and could thus be **subject to legal action and possibly prosecuted.** > >If you want to make sure that your country adheres to this covenant by the United Nations, you can consult the [official list of 173 countries]( that have legalized this covenant in their own legislatures. (*See Wikipedia - International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights - Parties to the Covenant, URL: Even though we are legally protected under the law, sadly some governments and health authorities - particularly those ill-informed and subservient idiots who enforce their rules and illegal mandates - may still try to impose their medical tyranny upon the sanctity of your body and sovereignty. In such cases, you still have **another means by which you can, at least partially, protect yourselves.** ### Notice of Liability #### That is to say, **by means of making any person or authority who is wishing to impose an unwanted vaccine on you (or outright trying to coerce you into a force-vaccination) sign a 'Notice of Liability'**. This 'Notice of Liability' document basically states your reluctance to take the jab and any negative consequences arising from it will be subject to legal prosecution towards the party who has given it to you. In my post, I also added a section **Draft yourself a 'Notice of Liability' (for your added protection)** where I included the following: >If you feel that you will trapped into a situation were some "authoritative" figure or entity will seek to impose a vaccine or unwanted medical procedure on you (or your children), you can always create form called **Notice of Liability**. > >You can search the net for some templates but the general idea here is to write a formal single page document that would contain the following: > >>- Title **Notice of Liability**, or **Notice of Medical Liability** >>- A space to inscribe the **date** >>- Your **full name** and **date of birth** >>- An **underlined section** at the bottom of the form (where the person who is wishing to administer the vaccine on you will both **PRINT their name** and also **sign** it). The **name of the organization** this person represents can also be inscribed there if desired. >>- **Text** to the following effect: >>>- **"I must state that I have legitimate concerns regarding the safety risks associated with this vaccine and am not comfortable in receiving it."** >>>- **"I will consent to taking your vaccine if you can prove to me that it is safe and effective and it hasn't harmed anyone so far."** >>>- **"I will only consent to receive this vaccine if you agree to accept the liability associated with it by signing this form and commit to accept full responsibility should any medical, clinical, bodily, mental, physiological, psychological, or emotional harm results from its administration into my body.** >>>- **You agree to be held personally and financially (including related financial costs such as hospitalization, medical treatment, and required medications) responsible for any damages incurred to me as a result of the administration of this vaccine.** > >You can also **request that they provide you with the vaccine manufacturer's insert** for the particular vaccine they want to administer on you; and **ask for their guarantee that you will not suffer from any of the side-effects or contraindications found therein.** I also recently found a great online resource - **[Covileaks](** (from the UK) that has many **[templates]( for such kinds of notices of liability.** These templates are not limited to vaccines. Many parents are concerned about the **continued use of masks** (as this can cause other health problems); and so, there are templates of notices of liability that can be served to school principals and administrators should parents choose to express their concerns. **The use of these kinds of notices of liability can serve as effective deterrent and means by which you can remind those who wish to unlawfully and egregiously impose their will on you that there can be very serious legal and financial consequences for unwanted outcomes related to whatever nonsense they are trying to impos on you.** ## 7. Conclusion #### **Shame on the governments and health authorities/agencies of Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, and elsewhere for participating in what amounts to assault, medical negligence, and medical tyranny.** While some in these positions may hold honoroable or noble intentions, the fact remains that **they have grossly breached in their duties to protect the sanctity of the health of their constituents.** They have incompetently chosen to blindfully [serve the medical oligarchy]( rather than those they are suppose to. It is high time that the masses start to **inform themselves properly** and **take action**, for if they don't they will find themselves on the receiving end of undesirable adverse effects, or even death. God bless you all. In Peace & Liberty, @libertyacademy
Originally posted here:

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