Thursday, February 18, 2021

Knitting as Meditation


Recently I was or am still too excited to follow the Bitcoin and other crypto prices. I found a way to calm myself down: knitting! I started [knitting an unfinished pair of socks]( I knitted it for an hour today in the day time. I could simply focus on making stitches and cleared my mind. These days I meditate for 10 minutes in the morning time after I wake up. I realize meditation and knitting has a similar processes; following the flow of my thoughts while not sticking to them by doing something systematically. For meditation I breathe steadily and deeply, counting numbers, or imagine car traffic. For knitting I count and make stitches in a monotone pace. I didn't feel healthy sitting in front of my computer yesterday for work and seeing prices. Today meditation, knitting and walking in addition helped me a lot to feel fit. So if you have a pair of knitting needles and some yarn. I recommend you to give it a tray. And there is a community to share your work: [Needlework Monday]( (and other days) 😁
Originally posted here:

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