Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Guilty until proven innocent, sick until proven healthy

We've moved into really Orwellian times, folks. It started with the Patriot Act after the fiasco / scam known as 9/11. Did thousands of people die? Yes. Did buildings collapse? Yes. Nevermind building 7, the oddball of the group that apparently wasn't hit as planned and simply imploded due to "office fires"...a ridiculous notion to say the least, but yet one that most people still believe happened. The point is that over the last several decades, as rights are continuously eroded due to various clandestine means, we are steadily moving into a society where you are, by the State at least, assumed to be a criminal / terrorist until you prove otherwise. Don't believe me? Go to the local airport. See, once there was a time when you just grabbed a ticket and boarded a flight to wherever. Now you must have everything searched, be x-rayed, fondled by incompetent beta males and their female counterparts, made to take your shoes off (?) and have your baggage ruffled through by total strangers. Oh yeah, don't forget to throw out all your creams and cosmetics because, ya know, muh terrorists and stuff. As if we're going to bring a lotion bottle full of gasoline and then attempt to make a rudimentary molotov cocktail mid-flight. We are therefore assumed to be criminals until we "prove" through these measures that we are in fact, normal human beings just trying to take a fucking flight to our destination. Now we have the Covid cultists. That's the only way I can describe them. They think that since you're not wearing a mask over your face, like a fucking circus clown, that somehow you are going to infect them with invisible and (unproven) viruses. A sad bunch they really are. Unfortunately they are rampant, especially in the U.S. They lurk there, standing on their little carefully planted stickers. So now, not only are we guilty until proven innocent, like a Mexican court, we are sick until proven healthy. The dystopian measures of travel are absolutely out of control. Pro-natural health people (or anti-maskers as the cultists refer to us as) are viewed as walking bags of disease. And this is all part of the plan according to the World Economic Forum. We are moving into a slave state, where it is to be assumed that other people are going to get you sick, even if they are completely healthy. If you can't spot a healthy person in front of you in a matter of seconds, then you know nothing about health or the body in general. This should be a natural instinct for sentient human beings. You can tell someone who is healthy and also who is not. Its in the skin, the teeth. Its in the posture, the attitude. Healthy people exude healthiness by design. Sickly people do not. We have several new terms that are completely unprecedented and equally asinine that are thrown around like common-knowledge: ## Superspreader I think people watch too many movies and subconsciously start to think that they are reality. This term "superspreader" seems oddly like the "Supershredder" from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. He's comin atcha, and even though he's completely healthy he's spreading viruses left and right. And not only that, he's spreading diseases much more than even the unhealthiest of people...he's a superspreader! Turtles in a half-shell, turtle power! "With these rings combined, we become...Captain spreader!" Viruses! Spit droplets! Breathing! Freedom! Exhalation!


Evidence? Nah. None needed. Just public hype, indoctrination, propaganda and mind control. The masses don't read lol. They'll believe anything they see on the tell-you-your-vision. Its obviously a ruse by the psychopathic masterminds behind this entire hoax / plandemic / scam. If you don't wear a mask...you could be a superspreader! Shedding viruses like loose change, the image of the "boomer" from "Left for Dead" comes to mind:


This is how people view normal healthy people now. Not only are you a potential terrorist but a plague carrier as well. Back to the airports: now in many places you will need to prove that you tested negative for the fictitious covid-19 virus. You are assumed to be a plague carrying terrorist that hates all of mankind until you prove otherwise, and the only way is to let an intern jam a stick into your blood-brain barrier and scrape around for a bit before sending it to their pharmaceutical masters that they probably don't even know exist. ## Asymptomatic Spreaders See that healthy person at the shopping mart, living their lives normally and buying groceries...*gasp* without a mask? Think they're just normal humans? Well think again. Those are asymptomatic carriers. See, they appear healthy, but they're actually shedding off massive amounts of invisible viruses onto everything they touch and get near. The only cure is a ritualistic slave muzzle. That'll shut em up for good! Oh and a novel (no pun intended) amount of microbiome destroying hand sanitizer. You see, there are no healthy humans anymore. We're all either diseased or on the way to being there. There is no such thing as "healthy" we are just asymptomatic. So best to wear a slave dog training muzzle. Oh, and keep your distance. ## The future We are steadily and unfortunately moving into a prisonplanet. Thanks to Alex Jones and friends for using that term. It is so true. Joe Biden is looking to remove [assault weapons](https://joebiden.com/gunsafety/) from the public sphere. According to him and other complete dumbasses, disarming the public is a great idea and will reduce crime. He also wants a mandatory ritualistic slave muzzle ordinance. Unfortunately for him and fellow uber-liberal communists its up to the state and local authorities and businesses to enforce such a ridiculous and stupid idea. Going back to video game / movie references, I think a lot of the testosterone deficient males around the globe think that they look like Sub-Zero from Mortal Kombat.


In reality they look more like this:


Phone attached zombies pretending to be nurses or Scorpion. There have been so many times that I've wanted to just scream "Finish Him!" and then uppercut their head off like the video game. I feel like however, that if I actually did that, it would resemble the cyborgs from the movie "Alien" and instead of blood and normal human fluids nothing but a gelatinous paste would come spewing forth from the artificially implanted hoses that are supposed to assume veins and arteries. There are very few "real" humans on this planet. This plandemic hoax has only reinforced this idea in my cranium. Many are just walking bags of flesh, devoid of thought and higher intellectual thinking. I used to think it was a conspiracy, now it is obviously real.


Guilty until proven innocent. Sick until proven healthy. Welcome to the new "normal" insane clownworld aristocracy pyramidal control grid. - zydane
Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive-122315/@zydane/guilty-until-proven-innocent-sick-until-proven-healthy

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