Friday, February 26, 2021

What is optimal food 6
Hello awesome people. Welcome to another article about optimal food. These days we're encouraged to be more responsible in the name of health. Optimal food can help us have optimal health.

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Fortunately, we can find what’s optimal food with a simple test: - Would we eat this food in nature? Previous articles: [1](, [2](, [3](, [4](, [5](, Juices and smoothies are popular because people believe they’re healthy food. # How about smoothies? How many smoothies are there in nature? I don't know and i don't think there are enough. So Why would we consider them? People believe smoothies are healthy food because the advertising says a blender breaks the food to get the nutrients out. What happens when you cut an apple in 2 pieces? You lose some nutrients, as they get oxidized. What happens when you cut an apple in 1000 pieces? You lose even more nutrients. How many nutrients are there in those smoothies? I don't know and i don't think there are enough. What the advertising doesn't say is that a blender also breaks the nutrients. While a smoothie might be a fancier way to eat, it's not a more natural way to eat. Also, it’s not optimal. # How about juices? How many juices are there in nature? I don't know and i don't think there are enough. So Why would we consider them? People believe juices are healthy food because the advertising says a juicer removes the insoluble fiber that we don't absorb anyway. The insoluble fiber in fruits slows down the absorption of sugar. So, What happens when we remove it? We end up with food that's more concentrated in sugar, as it has less fiber. The more concentrated a food is, the higher the impact on the blood sugar, the harder the pancreas has to work to keep the blood sugar level in optimal parameters. How many reasons to overwork the pancreas are there? I don't know and i don't think there are enough. What the advertising doesn't say is that we’re not designed for such concentrated foods. When we chew fruits, we mix our saliva with fruits and we let the stomach know how much fruit we eat. When we drink juice, we won't start the digestion with chewing so we won't have the best start for digestion. The natural way of eating fruits is to take the fruits and eat them. Nature is perfect and simple. We can't beat perfection. When we complicate the natural process of nutrition, we make it worse, not better. A fruit is perfect in the form it exists in nature. When we juice fruits, we create a food in which the proportions are different than in a whole fruit. You can take some leaves and some roots and turn them into a juice, which might be a more convenient way of eating. While juices might be a convenient way to eat, it's not as healthy as just eating the whole fruit. The abundant content on juice recipes also comes from the medical approach. You already know what this means from a previous article. E.g. some people might want beetroot juice for its medical properties. Every species can ensure its optimal health with its specific food, the food it eats in nature, without tools. How many overweight animals are there in nature? I don't know and i don't think there are enough. Considerind more than half of all people are overweight, animals seem to be healthier than us, even though they don't follow a medical approach: they don't drink beetroot juice for the medical properties of beetroot. They just eat what's optimal for them. How about us? Why do we search for medical properties? # The medical approach People are drawn to herbs and foods that have medical properties to improve their health. The medical approach is an effect of eating sub-optimal food. It’s a reaction to unhealthy action (unhealthy lifestyle). We don't worry about health when we live an optimal lifestyle, as optimal foods are the best for optimal health. In an optimal lifestyle, we're free of the search for medical properties, as in this case, we just enjoy the food for which we're adapted. However, this worry-free lifestyle is possible only for healthy people. How about people who take medical treatment? Only medical personnel is qualified to offer medical education to people who are under medical treatments. How about people who can't eat whole fruits, because of dental problems? In this case a soft live food (e.g. a juice) might be healthier than a soft cooked food (e.g. mashed potatoes). Dehydrators, food processors, blenders and juicers are useful for making raw-vegan foods: dehydrated raw-foods, raw-vegan desserts, juices, smoothies. Even though these foods are raw-vegan, they don't exist in nature. Not all raw-vegan foods are the same. A raw-vegan lifestyle is healthier than the common lifestyle, as live food is healthier than cooked food. However, complete information is that whole fruits are healthier than processed fruits: juices, smoothies, etc. Nature is perfect. Food is perfect in the form it exist in nature. We can't improve perfection. Using tools to process our food won't make it healthier. When we move away from natural food, we also move away from optimal food. What's my opinion about health? Do you remember the compound effect? The further we move from optimal food, the further we move from optimal health. This is exactly what we see in health oriented communities: a tendency to move away from what's optimal. Considering we have access to optimal food, it's not necessary to move away from optimal food. It's true that some people eat sub-optimal foods in the transition to an optimal lifestyle. Still, this doesn't mean we should focus on sub-optimal food, does it? When we share recipes, we can inspire people to make those recipes, especially when it comes to delicious foods: juices, smoothies, raw-vegan desserts, etc. Without complete information, people can get inspired to invest their money in tools that are not even necessary for optimal health. When in fact a more useful usage of their money might be quality food. The suffix -cide means " to kill". When optimal health is our goal we can also limit the negative health effects of pesticides by investing in organic foods, especially for the dirty dozen (the most contaminated foods). Pesticides are also useful for killing insects. No wonder the pollinators are in decline. So eating organic food is also beneficial for pollinators, i mean pollination. It’s true that some people make juices in spite of knowing what's optimal. How about people who complicate their life because of incomplete information? Wouldn't it be healthier to offer complete information and let them choose between an optimal lifestyle and a sub-optimal lifestyle? I share what's optimal and what’s not, as complete information can enhance someone's health. You’re still totally free to eat whatever you want. Roots juice is food that doesn't exist in nature. # How about roots? Even though we can enjoy enough carrots to feel satiated, they're not useful for optimal digestion. To be digested roots need valuable energy that can be used for much easier to digest veggies such as lettuce. # How about other leafy greens? How many spinach leaves that you can eat in their natural form are there in nature? I don't know and i don't think there are enough. Why can't we eat spinach, cabbage and other leaves in their natural form? Because it's not optimal for us. Leafy greens (except lettuce) are hard to digest. That's why we have to add accompaniments to make them edible. Also, leafy greens contain oxalic acid (a negative compound) that blocks our ability to absorb minerals such as calcium and iron. How many reasons to block our ability to absorb nutrients are there? I don't know and i don't think there are enough. Of all leafy greens, lettuce is lower in oxalic acid. Personally i don't see education as a hassle that bothers me. On the contrary, so far (more than 30 years) i went through a lot of hassle because i didn't have complete education about health. This hassle included: - Investing money in food that only recently i found that we can't even digest well. - Investing time in preparing plant-based recipes, that are not even necessary. I wish i'd had complete education earlier as it could have saved me all the hassle i went through. In this scenario i would have invested my resources in optimal health. There is a saying: society is so fake that reality bothers people. When we're bothered by reality (which is where we live), Where are we living, in an illusion? This education fall under the category: Letter to my younger self, as it’s the education i wish i'd knew earlier. # Resources: [smoothies]( and [juices](, [vegetables](, [2](, [organic food](, [2](, [3](, [4](, [5](, [6](, [Hive]( community, For people who like the messenger function, here's a [MeWe]( community, in which you can also find resources in the form of files. MeWe is a social media with no ads that also has messenger function. # Bottom line Smoothies, juices, cabbage and most leaves don't pass the test, despite the fact they’re healthier than plant-based cooked food. So it's good to know that: - optimal food is not all the raw-foods available for sale. Just as, - optimal food is not all the food available for sale (meat, dairy, etc.) Roots are not optimal food, despite the fact some of them are edible in their natural form (e.g. carrots). So it's good to know that: - optimal food is not all the foods that are edible in their natural form. Just as, - optimal food is not all the food (meat, dairy, etc.) This article are part of [a book]( We can explore even more foods in the [next]( article. Until then, in the comment section you can share your opinion for the questions of this article. Thanks so much for reading. Have a great day.
Originally posted here:

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