Friday, February 19, 2021

Benefits of eating fresh vegetables // I IAmAliveChallengr - Day to 161


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--- # *Hello my fellow hivers,* Welcome back to my 3speak channel. How are you friends? I believe you're in good healthy under the pandemic situation and spending your valuable time for hive blockchain activities. This is my 161st day contribution of #iamalivechallenge who organized this nice initiative @flaxz for bring more awareness to our hive blockchain and especially increase engagement content creators on IAmAliveChallenge. Actually I'm really lucky to be alive in this world without facing biggest struggles and also I'm glad to see you're alive in this planet like me. Today I did my whole day activities better with managed many things. I saw many hivers shared their interesting gardening posts on hive. So I inspired lot to grow my garden with added more corps. It will give more benefits sooner. In this video i talked about benefits of eating fresh vegetables and fruits. ### *Thanks for listening. Be safe and stay healthy.* --- ▶️ [3Speak](
Originally posted here:

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