Sunday, February 28, 2021

Winners for the February Love Challenge!
##### Aw, what a month of love. From puppies to perfect love matches, mouth watering food to self care, our feeds have been filled with LOVE - much needed in the world right now! I hope you all had fun. Here were the entries. If yours was missed, check if you put the link under [this post]() as outlined in the guidelines from last week. I'm only human so it's super hard to keep up with all your brilliance. Thanks to @phoenixwren for her help with the challenge this month - I've set you a little beneficiary on this post as a big thankyou! Beneficiaries also go to @blackberryskunk for making me drool with her tiramisu post and @karmadorje and @miriannalis for your heart chakra posts. Damn, why can't I reward everyone? Next time!


[Devotion as an Expression of Love]( by @phoenixwren [Life Lessons All We Need is Love]( by @pavanjr [Vegan Aphrodesiac, Made with Love]( by @blackberryskunk [Loneliness Love and Mental Health]( by @phoenixwren [Physical and Psychological Aspects to Admire About Yourself]( by @danielapevs [First Date]( by @danielapevs [The Power of Caresses]( by @miriannalis [The Heart Chakra Anahata]( by @karmadorje [It's Not Just Roses It's an Elixir for Life]( by @rafabvr [A Story of Self Love and Perseverance and Courage]( by @isabelpena [Love for Health]( by @phoenixwren [February of Love]( by @angelica7 [7 Day Love Challenge]( by @soyunasantacruz [Breakfast with the Love of My Life]() by @soyunasantacruz [Feb Love Challenge]( by @aguilaazul7777 [Love Shouldn't Be a Prison]( by @blackberryskunk [The Energy of Love and How it Transforms Us]( by @soyunasantacruz [Lessons of Life is Freedom]( by @pavanjr [What Valentines Day Means to Me]( by @soyunasantacruz [Self Care Routine]( by @soyunasantacruz [Love is a Choice]( by @blackberryskunk [Its All About the Love]( by @trucklife-family [Compassion: An Aspect of the Heart Chakra]( by @miriannalis [Love in A Wrong Time & Place]( by @olivia808 [Langauges of Love]( by @lizelle #### It's always super hard to judge these entries as I love the energy that goes into all of them and think you are all wonderful. Of course, I have to look at whether you've adhered to the rules, but I'm also looking for the quality and thoughtfulness that you put into it, and whether you've won recently or not (although if your post is amazing I'll discount that!). I'm often looking for something really interesting or that 'wows' me or moves me - yes, it's SO subjective, even though I try my hardest to be balanced! *Whilst damn, I really wanted to reward the tiramisu post for finding a way to ~~my heart ~~ my stomach heart, it was ultimately these posts that moved me, and many of the curators, the most.* @olivia08's heartbroken post about longing and being lied to in a recent online courtship was a deeply personal story, and she's so brave for sharing. It's a reminder that love isn't always warm and fuzzy, but can be difficult, embarrassing and something to feel shame over. We hope that this little boost of LOVE from our community will help her feel how special she is. Thanks for sharing, Nanay. @phoenixwren's post on loneliness and mental health came at a timely moment around Valentines Day. It's not easy to see everyone's declarations of love when they don't feel it themselves. This post, her post on devotion as an expression of love, and her engagement with the community and the love she shares through service made her a clear winner too. Thankyou for being so compassionate and warm, @phoenixwren. Your sense of social justice is such an expression of true love that I am humbled before it. @isabelpena's post about her brother and how he worked hard to lose weight is a testament to the power of self love and love of family. # Each of you will find 35 HIVE in your wallet - thanks so much for entering. #### For the rest of you, I hope that you don't feel unloved - each of your posts was precious and special, and we hope you'll enter for the next challenge, finding reward in the community and with the little gestures we can extend to you. Each of your posts are always considered for upvotes, reblogs, tweets and tips, and even @ocd and @curangel nominations! # Until next time, @riverflows.


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