Saturday, February 27, 2021

Effective remedies for erectile dysfunction
**Greetings beautiful people**, this time I come to leave you a brief but effective explanation about the best remedies for erectile dysfunction, I assure you that you will not regret it; do not spend unnecessary money on drugs that you do not know what chemicals may contain that will harm you later.

Tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil

I remember that once I learned from the hand of a great naturopathic doctor ***"nature has everything our body needs".*** If we all lived based on what nature gives us, all human beings would possibly live more than 90 years. Remember that erectile dysfunction can cause you: Loss of self-esteem, anxiety, social relationship problems, and unsatisfactory sex life. In addition, shame, problems in the couple, inability to get pregnant, among other effects. ** **Rosemary, ginko, biloba and catuaba;** Prepare a tea with 100g of each of these plants, boil in 1lt of water and drink 4 times a day for a week. **Muira shell;** Prepare a tea with 2 tablespoons of the previous one, boil 1lt of water and drink 4 times a day until you see results. **Bruise;** It acts as a hormonal regulator and you can consume it as a food or supplement. Oatmeal; helps balance testosterone levels, blood vessels and vitality **Ceylon cinnamon and honey;** it is possible to increase libido by mixing 5 tablespoons of both and preserve in a jar to take a tablespoon half an hour before each meal. **Mediterranean diet;** fruits, vegetables, wine, olive oil, legumes, peppers and others that are good for cardiovascular problems. **Spiced cocoa;** you can mix it with pepper, ginger, cinnamon and combine it in the form of a drink with milk, cakes, cookies and infusion. **Onion;** with aphrodisiac properties and eating it raw will help sexual productivity **Garlic;** Eating raw garlic on an empty stomach will improve blood circulation. **Grenade;** take a juice of this same, it will help you in your sexual life. **Vitamins A and E;** improve blood flow and combat sexual impotence. **Ginger;** Its tuber is widely used for blood circulation and sexual performance. An infusion that you can accompany with cinnamon or cardamom. **Cnidium Monnieri;** relaxes the muscles of the penis and circulation. take g daily and for a long time l see results. **Corynanthe yohimbi;** Its infusion is very effective for sexual impotence. **Saffron;** Its infusion also delays premature ejaculation and the duration of erections. **Damiana;** With a cup of tea of ​​its leaves daily, you will increase sexual performance. **Pin;** This phytonutrient fruit stimulates blood vessels and libido. **Yerba mate;** with great minerals and vitamins that stimulate libido. Its infusion can be accompanied with lemon or orange peels. **The main preventive measures or treatments for Erectile Dysfunction are:** Sexual orientation, healthy lifestyle, frequent lovemaking, dialogue with your partner and exercise. Also reduce stress, depression or anxiety, stop smoking, drugs or alcohol. Also medications, vacuum device, surgery, herbal medicine and consult a specialist.

Efectos psicológicos de la disfunción eréctil - Uppers

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