Saturday, February 27, 2021

The importance of garlic plant is really overwhelming



Good evening everyone. This happens to be my first post here on the natural medicine community and I would be sharing about garlic and it's medicinal importance. According to studies, the common name garlic was derived from the Old English word garleac. Literally, interpreted, the latter means “spear leek,” making reference to the lanceolate shape of the plant’s cloves. Currently there are two main recognize types of garlic: *HARDNECK and * SOFTNECK. Hardneck varieties produce a flowering stalk (scape) which is surrounded by underground cloves. Hardneck varieties are considered to be more flavorful and easier to peel than softneck, making them the choice of most chefs. However, it is worth knowing that hardneck garlic does not store well. Softneck (aka silverskin) varieties generally do not flower and form seed, but often produce bulblets on their stem. They are considered to be more productive and easier to grow than hardneck varieties. Under proper conditions softneck varieties can be stored from six to eight months. Most of the garlic found at supermarkets is of the softneck type. It should be noted that elephant garlic is not a true garlic. Rather, it is a type of leek that produces larger leaves and bulbs than true garlic. Garlic (Allium sativum) is a member of the onion (Amaryllidaceae)family, and is classified in the same genus to which onion, leek, chive and shallot belongs. Evidence exists that garlic originated from Allium longiscuspis, since it does not appear in the wild as a species itself. Garlic’s medicinal properties are thought to be due to sulfur-containing compounds called thiosulfinates. One of them, allicin, is produced when a sulfur-containing amino acid called alliin comes in contact with the enzyme alliinase when raw garlic is minced, crushed, or chewed. Since the enzyme alliinase is broken down by heat, cooked garlic is less effective medicinally than is fresh garlic. WHAT ARE SOME OF THE MEDICAL BENEFITS OF Garlic THAT WE NEED TO KNOW? 1. AS A DETOXIFIER; Garlic helps to remove mercury and other heavy metals from the body. It is important to detoxify the body from mercury as it causes brain degeneration. High levels of mercury may cause autism and Alzheimer's disease. 2. TO FIGHT OFF COLDS; Garlic helps to fight the common cold, upper respiratory, sinus and throat infections. 3. TO FIGHT YEAST INFECTIONS ; Garlic is known to have activity against oral thrush and Candida vaginitis. These are fungi infections caused by Candida albican. 4. NATURAL ANTIBACTERIAL; Garlic is also effective for ear infections, Helicopter pylori and Staphylococcus. 5. CANCER PREVENTION; Garlic helps to reduce the risk of breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer, stomach cancer and esophageal cancer. Meaning, it helps to inhibit the growth of abnormal cells in the body. 6. PROMOTE HEALTHY HEART; Garlic has a blood thinning effect, hence it helps to lower blood pressure , cholesterol, plaque build up and possibly prevent heart attack and stroke. 7. RELIEF GAS AND INDIGESTION 8. EASE HEART BURNS 9. EASE DISABLING JOINT PAINS SIDE EFFECTS OF Garlic; It can cause bad breath which can be alleviated by lemon fruit juice. OTHER IMPORTANT THINGS TO NOTE ABOUT Garlic * THOSE BREAST FEEDING, PREGNANT , PLATELET DISORDER, HEMOPHILIA SHOULD TAKE Garlic with caution. * Garlic SHOULDN'T BE TAKEN TOGETHER WITH ANTI DIABETIC DRUGS, NSAIDS, EFAVIRENZ, NEVIRAPINE , ASPIRIN and HEPARIN
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