Hello awesome people. How are your health goals going? This blog is for people who want to reach their full potential. How can we reach our full potential without full health? The lifestyle we reach depends on our goal. When we want to reach our full potential regarding our physical health, when optimal health is our goal, we continue improving our lifestyle until we reach an optimal lifestyle. Our lifestyle also depends on the information we have. E.g. we might continue eating unhealthy foods because we don't know they're unhealthy. A long period of time i believed i live a healthy lifestyle. i said: >i have a plant-based lifestyle so i must be healthy. When in fact, all that time i ate unhealthy plant-based foods because i didn't know i'm healthier without them. So here’s information i wish i'd have known earlier: This article is based on public factual information. At the end of the article, you (the public) can read the same information that helped me create the article. I highly recommend you to do your own research, as your health is your responsibility. When optimal health is our goal it might be useful to know what foods are optimal and what foods are not optimal.

Nature is perfect. When we know how nature works, we can apply that knowledge to our advantage to maintain our optimal health. How many animals that need kitchen tools are there in nature? I don't know and i don't think there are enough. Animals in nature are able to eat food they're naturally adapted to eat (food that's optimal for them) without kitchen tools. In fact, every species thrives with its specific food. How many reasons do we have to believe that we need tools to feed ourselves? I don't know and i don't think we have enough. So here’s a simple test for optimal food: - Would we eat this food in nature? Optimal food is food for which we're adapted to eat, in its natural form. When we eat the healthiest food, we also simplify our life, as it's unnecessary to complicate ourselves with cooking (with or without heating) when we eat optimal food. How many reasons are there to complicate ourselves even though there's a simpler and healthier way? I don't know and i don't think there are enough. So How about we see what foods will pass the test? # How about plant-based foods? The plant-based approach is about eating plants: - live plants, - plants that require cooking: potatoes, beans, etc. - plant-based processed foods: vegan pizza, vegan cheese, vegan burger, vegan sausages, etc. How many beans that we can eat uncooked are there in nature? I don't know and i don't think there are enough. Everything has a reason. Why can't we eat beans in their natural form? Plants want to reproduce. In order to ensure the reproduction of the plant, seeds need to ensure their own survival. Seeds protect themselves from being eaten through toxicity (negative compounds). No wonder why almost all seeds aren’t edible. All beans are a type of seed found in a legume. A planted bean has the potential to grow into a new plant. The negative compounds from the unsprouted seed can carry over into the sprout. No wonder why we have to cook beans even after we hydrate them to make them edible. When we cook food, we destroy the enzymes, so our pancreas has to constantly make enzymes it shouldn't have to make. No wonder why so many people have an enlarged pancreas. How many enzymes are there in cooked foods? I don't know and i don't think there are enough. How can you be sure about the enzymatic activity in your cooked foods? Don't worry. There's no enzyme. How many reasons are there to eat enzyme-free food even though we have access to live food? I don't know and i don't think there are enough. Apart from having no enzymes, cooked foods have negative health effects, from the negative compounds created in the cooking process. You already know multiple examples, from a [previous]( article. The role of seeds is to become new plants when they have the right conditions e.g. water and warmth. How do seeds ensure their own survival until they have the right conditions? They're latent: they're enzymatically inactive thanks to enzyme inhibitors (negative compounds) that also prevent us from digesting them, as enzymes are needed to digest food. No wonder why - live food (enzymatically active food) is easier to digest. - edible seeds are indigestible, when they’re dry. - edible seeds are easier to digest, when they’re hydrated. Plant-based cooked food might be useful in the transition to an optimal lifestyle, as long as people accept their negative health effects. How can we accept effects without knowing them? How many sausage trees are there in nature? I don't know and i don't think there are enough. Many plant-based foods are based on soy, or at least contain it. What are the health effects of soy? # How about soy? Why can't we eat soy in its natural form? Because it contains toxic compounds, So Why would we consider eating it? People believe it's healthy food because it has protein. Multiple processing procedures are used to turn soy in a final product used in plant-based foods. How about the negative compounds that remain in spite of the processing? How about the compounds formed during processing? When optimal health is our goal, we can avoid the compounds that have negative health effects. Without beans, and other protein rich foods, How do we get our protein? Society tells us we need meat, eggs, cheese, etc. to eat enough protein. A long period of time i ate protein rich foods such as meat, because i didn't know we're healthier without it. Social conditioning had a pretty strong grip on me, as i resorted to plant-based cooked foods after i gave up animal products. Fortunately i managed to break free from my conditioning, thanks to complete information. How about others? Many other people are worried about protein when it comes to a plant-based lifestyle, all the more worried when it comes to a fruit-based lifestyle. Do you think we can help others with complete information? I share what's optimal and what’s not, as complete information can enhance someone's health. You’re still totally free to eat whatever you want. Talking about protein needs, - What is our protein need? - Are protein rich foods necessary to eat enough protein, or is our protein need exaggerated? - How exactly do we know we need protein rich foods to eat enough protein? - Is the need for protein rich foods a reality or an opinion? - How many calories should come from protein? - How do we know what enough protein means? Our optimal food is the food we're naturally adapted to eat, the food we can eat in its natural form i.e. without cooking it. Animals are able to meet their protein needs by eating food in its natural form i.e. without cooking. This fact, led me to another curiosity: Why would we need to eat cooked food, to meet our protein need? Many people recommend plant-based cooked food for better health, in spite of all its negative health effects and in spite of the fact that food we're naturally adapted to eat is food we can eat in its natural form, without cooking. Incomplete information might explain those recommendations. Social conditioning might also play a role. People who are curious about exact numbers for protein need can read more education in the resources from the end of this article. Beans are not designed to be eaten. Beans are not designed to be food. What is food? Beans are 1 reproduction strategy. Another strategy is to include seeds in fruits. # How about fruits? Why do plants invest a lot of resources to create the sugar in fruits? The way nature works is pretty self-explanatory: plants invest a lot of energy to create sugar in fruits to make the fruits sweet, to entice animals to eat the fruit and leave the seeds on the ground, sometimes in natural fertilizer (animal’ stool), in which case seeds have even higher chances of becoming plants. - Animals ensure their survival need and - Plants ensure their reproduction need. Fruits have the optimal proportion of macronutrients: sugar, protein, fat. Plus, we can eat fruits without cooking so Why would we resort to cooked food? # Resources: [milk](, [dairy](, [2](, [protein](, [2](, [soy](, [enzymes](, [cooked food](, [uncooked food](, [seeds](, [fruits]( [Hive]( community. For people who like the messenger function, here's a [MeWe]( community, in which you can also find resources in the form of files. MeWe is a social media with no ads that also has messenger function. # Bottom line Plants that require cooking and plant-based processed foods don't pass the test despite being considered healthy. So It's good to know that: - optimal food is not all the plant-based foods available for sale in a store. Just as, - optimal food is not all the food available for sale in that store (meat, dairy, etc.) This article are part of [a book]( How about other foods that are considered healthy? We can explore even more foods in [the next]() article. Until then, in the comment section you can share your opinion for the questions of this article. Thanks so much for reading. Have a great day.

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