Thursday, February 18, 2021

Herbal waters are important for weight loss


Herbal drinks increase metabolism by removing toxins and help in weight control. --------- According to a report published on a health-related website, there are a few drinks that can help you lose weight even if you don't follow a strict diet. -------


1:Cumin and lemon drinks:-Cumin burns calories faster and improves digestion by increasing metabolism. Soak cumin seeds in water overnight and boil it the next morning. Drink lemon juice mixed with lukewarm on an empty stomach in the morning.


2:Coriander water: Coriander enhances digestion by secreting digestive juices. It is a good source of fiber. Coriander water is rich in minerals and vitamins, potassium, iron, magnesium, calcium, folic acid and vitamins A, K and C. Boil one tablespoon of coriander seeds in hot water and leave it overnight. Drink water after sifting coriander in the morning.


3:Honey with Cinnamon: Eating honey before going to bed helps to burn calories faster in the early part of the night. Honey is rich in natural ingredients such as vitamins, minerals and healthy fats. Sweet hormones reduce appetite and help control weight. Cinnamon reduces body fat and helps in weight control. This healthy spice is rich in antimicrobial, antiseptic ingredients that help eliminate common cold-cough, allergies, cholesterol, bladder infections.


4:Fenugreek drink: Fenugreek is rich in beneficial vitamins and minerals - iron, magnesium, manganese, copper, vitamin B6, protein and dietary fiber. Also contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory ingredients. As fenugreek is high in dietary fiber, it increases digestion and eliminates the problem of constipation. Soak fenugreek seeds overnight and drink it on an empty stomach the next morning. ------++ all image source :pixabay
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