Thursday, February 25, 2021

The world is in the period of global changes now, and we all can feel it. One more sphere that is changed - mass-media atittude to vaccination and truth about it.


Early it was powerful propaganda FOR, and all the rest facts were hidden or cut out. It was absolutely impossible to hear something bad about vaccination from TV. Now it happens rather often. Yesterday I watched a programm about motherhood, and one of moms told about her tragedy.


She is a mom of 3. But in fact, she could have had 4 kids... And actually she had one more baby, but just for 1 day... An absolutely healthy and fine baby-girl was born. Very nice and very light like an angel. Doctors at once after the birth (in some hours) took her make vaccination. It was the last time the mom saw her baby.


Soon they came and just said they would never bring her back - the baby girl had anaphylactic shock agter the injection. Mom couldn't belive it and made them bring her back to her. And she saw her girl dead... She had 2 kids at that time. She had to live but she couldn't. She was dead inside by herself. This story could have a very bad end - the woman was so crazy with her pain that she tried to commit a suicide... It was great luck somebody at home saw it and could prevent the tragedy... "Just an injection" - doctors say. "It's absolutely safe" - they say....


And there are many of such stories on TV now. Why? What changed, why and when? Don't they hide it any more? Have they changed the politics towards it? But now when COVID vaccination is on the peak of its "necessity" and popularity....So weird...I can't feind the logics for now, but I like the truth has its ways out to people.
Originally posted here:

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