Friday, February 19, 2021

Winter Season And Children Health | A Guide For Parents


Each season has its own color, taste and special ailments. In summer, complaints of fever, heatstroke and diarrhea are annoying, while in the rainy season, boils get stuck, malaria and digestive disorders occur. Coughing, joint pain, shortness of breath and pneumonia, etc. are prevalent. Winter weather is especially painful for children and the weak. Due to the weakened immune system, children and vulnerable people are more prone to colds and coughs. Respiratory complaints, especially in children, are under discussion here. Experts estimate that children die from common diseases. Most of them die of respiratory diseases. In this regard, parents and physicians have a huge responsibility to take special care of their children's health during this season. The main thing in preventing respiratory diseases is protection of children from cold. At the onset of cold weather, children should wear appropriate warm clothes. Their feet and chest should be warm. According to medical experts, 40% of human body temperature. It disappears through the scalp. It is common to see that mothers do not bother to dress their children properly. Some are so careful that they wear too many warm clothes, which sometimes makes children very upset, and sometimes their temperature rises above normal, which is usually considered a fever. On the contrary, children are not given warm clothes. They are exposed to cold winds. They play in the water at home or get wet in the rain. As a result of this kind of carelessness, their immune system is weakened and they fall prey to colds, whooping cough, whooping cough and pneumonia. A condition develops, which causes their ribs to move. A high fever develops and the child has difficulty breathing. Infection of both lungs increases the risk of death. Respiratory diseases cause more deaths each year due to pneumonia. A significant number of children die from whooping cough and measles. It should be noted that measles also affects the lungs. In view of the facts, it is important to protect children from the cold as well as to keep them away from children with measles and whooping cough. It is commonly observed that the elders and children of the house all drink from the same glass of water and eat from the same vessel. If children are made accustomed to drinking from their own glass from the beginning, so they can be protected from diseases. # Poor Diet Is Main Reason: Everyone recognizes the importance of good food for good health. Good food produces energy in the body and plays the most important role in preventing the invasion of diseases. It is noteworthy that most children with pneumonia suffer from poor diet in addition to carelessness. Due to improper diet, their immune system is weakened, so they also suffer from other respiratory complaints It is also worth noting that breastfed babies, provided they are born healthy, are more susceptible to disease than canned breastfed infants. Mothers should abandon the fashion of bottle feeding and raise their children on their own milk. In this way, they will not only be protected from lung and respiratory complaints, but also from other diseases of children, especially diarrhea. Infants can be kept healthy through proper nutrition. Parents who find ready-made chips, French fries, candies, chocolates and sweets, etc., useful for their children, Responsible for poor health. It is very useful to feed them a handful of lentils with the money of market items that are fed all day long. This makes it easier for them to get energy-giving ingredients make them healthy. After taking these precautions, children are less likely to catch a cold. However, if they are suffering from cold, flu, cough and fever, they should immediately put on appropriate warm clothes and consult a doctor. Do not suffer from constipation. To get rid of it, it is enough to feed eight to ten grains, one or two dried figs, etc. Sympathetic glands are also useful. Children's chests should be kept warm. Baking sympathetic balm on the chest together is beneficial. In case of pneumonia, a doctor should be consulted immediately. happens. If necessary, light a fire in the room, but the air circulation in the room should not be obstructed. By taking proper precautions and measures, we can protect our children from cold diseases and ailments, but also provide them with healthy food. Can make you healthier, because winter is also the season to make life. This is all about today, thanks for reading and visiting my blog. Have a great day.
Originally posted here:

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