Sunday, February 21, 2021

Lotus Love Sunday Editorial - Celebrating The Diversity Of Natural Well Being!


Hello beautiful folk, today I am delighted to share some of the wonderful content, that a few of our community members have created, this past week. Each week, I continued to be inspired and to be educated by all the wonderful articles that are shared. I feel so lucky to be a part of this thriving community, that is all about empowering others. As we move forward in life, I believe one of the best things we can do, is take responsibility for our own well being. To be mindful, to be patient, to observe and to remember what it is, that is most important in life. A journey that brings us back to who we are, empowering us along the way. This week, I wish to share some posts that dip into this journey and share the wonderful teachings that occur.


The Fast Food Phase - Remembering the Stages

In this first post @crosheille, talks about her relationship with fast food. Touching on so many ways in which we are influenced and the wonderful experience that is to be had, when we listen to our bodies and educate ourselves. >Once I got married my husband and I together decided to start looking into healthier lifestyle habits from what we eat, clean with, cook with and the whole works. Before you know it we were known as the health gurus in my family, teaching them about essential oils and clean eating.



Accessing the truth of our origins and identity from the ancient texts

No matter what we are taught, we can always find our way back to the truth and that is that we are all one, we are all connected! This beautiful post by @julescape really delves into this, how we are so often misled buy certain teachings, by certain narratives. >If you want to know the truth, it’s best to go to the source. Add to that as much cutting edge modern technological insights and you will come to a similar conclusion. There were times in history when the leading thinkers of the day – scientists specifically – may have known only half the picture or may have actually been biased or shadowed by religionists or politicians with ulterior agendas.



My experience with psychedelic mushrooms

I really enjoyed this post by @derangedvisions, such an honest insight into his experience of microdosing and how it helped him break down some barriers with his son and to really relax and be present. > My son and I do not have the closest relationship since I was deployed during a lot of his younger life and as he grew up, we grew a bit apart. It was nice to hang out with him during this experience and connect with him and talk about things because that is a bit out of the norm for us.



The Monster Under The Bed

A huge part of our healing, comes from participating in shadow work. Connecting with the many aspects of ourselves, things that we have left hidden. In this wonderful post by @phoenixwren, she really digs into the complexity of shadow work and how we carry our ancestors shadows with us too. >Think of it like, you're an archaeologist excavating a site. You don't know how big the site is when you start. Sometimes you think you found everything but then someone accidentally discovers a whole new section. You might dig up one building, and then spend some time examining the things you found there and have a rest, and then go back later to dig up a different building. You can't just POOF unearth everything at once (which would be overwhelming!).



Enhance Your Psychic Antennae with the Intuition Enhancing Effects of Tulsi, Mugwort and Lavender

Something we all need to be doing right now, is connecting with our intuitive self. Because if we really wish to heal, to experience well being, we need to listen to our bodies and reconnect with our true abilities. @riverflows shares how certain herbs allow us to tap into that knowing and open ourselves up to a greater awareness. > We close off our minds to so much, unwilling to listen or walking in a fog of our own self made illusions. But we are powerful too. Sometimes all we have to do is think about a person and we will see them the next day. What is that if not a psychic ability? Sometimes we don't see it until it happens, recalling we dreamt about it weeks ago, the day before. We dismiss it as coincidence.



A special shout out to all the wonderful folk who have taken up the 7 day Self Love Challenge. There were so many awesome entries this week, so please go check some of the out. Also our own @drrune, has started back up his Daily Rune Readings, I for one, am very happy about this. And a final shout out to @jasonliberty who has written two awesome posts about the ill effects of wearing masks, lots of really great research has gone into these posts.


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