Sunday, February 21, 2021

Global Health, balance of dimensions
## Hello dear friends! _________________


Today I want to talk to you about a thought that I have repeatedly had these days. _Health_. We have grown up with the idea that if we do not have a deficiency, or a member of the body does not hurt, that is, if there is nothing visible or tangible that indicates otherwise, we are "healthy". In short, we relate health only to the physical. Some say that being healthy is "not feeling the body", but perhaps it is just the opposite: Knowing our body at all levels, "eating, physical, relaxation, emotional state and knowing how to flow properly with the environment in the that we develop. >Hoy quiero hablarles acerca de un pensamiento que recurrentemente he tenido estos días. _La Salud_. Hemos crecido con la idea de que si no presentamos una deficiencia, o no nos duele un miembro de cuerpo, es decir si no hay nada visible o tangible que nos indique lo contrario, estamos "saludables". En pocas palabras, relacionamos la salud solo con lo fìsico. Algunos afirman que estar sanos es "no sentir el cuerpo", pero a lo mejor se trata justamente de lo contrario: Conocer nuestro cuerpo en todos los niveles, "alimentación, fisico, relajación, estado emocional y saber fluir adecuadamente con el ambiente en el que nos desenvolvemos.


In medical schools the disease is studied but very little health, time is spent in "finding a remedy for the effect without studying or paying attention to the possible causes of it." From my point of view, health is a _State of global equilibrium_ that cannot be subordinated to a few simple clinical analyzes. >En las facultades de medicina se estudia la enfermedad pero muy poco la salud, se invierte tiempo en "encontrar un remedio para el efecto sin estudiar o prestarle atención a las posibles Causas de ello". Desde mi punto de vista, la salud es un _Estado de Equilibrio global_ que no puede estar supeditado a unos simples análisis clínicos. ## Health is related to everything Since it began to be accepted that health is a combination or a perfect balance between the physical, social, emotional dimensions, the same person and the environment, many important findings have been made and alternative ways of seeing the same case have been found. I feel that when looking at health as the result of harmony between multiple aspects of life, it is convenient to take care of them all together, always thinking that prevention is better than cure and that to correct health problems, we cannot see them in isolation. We must understand the intimate relationship between the body, the mind and the symptoms that denote their imbalance. > La salud está relacionda con todo Desde que se empezó a aceptar que la salud es una combinación o un equilibrio perfecto entre las dimensiones física, social, emocional, la misma persona y el entorno, se han hecho muchos hallazgos importantes y se han encontrado maneras alternativas de ver un mismo caso. Siento que al mirar la salud como fruto de la armonía entre múltiplies aspectos de la vida conviene cuidarlos todos en conjunto pensando siempre que es mejor prevenir que curar y que para corregir los problemas de salud, no podemos verlos en aislados. Debemos entender la intima relación que existe el cuerpo, la mente y los síntomas que denotan su desequilibrio.


## Thanks for being, commenting and supporting! _Images from Pixabay_
Originally posted here:

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