Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Delving into our Identities and Fostering Self-Love




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Hello, people! Javier here with your weekly dose of Mindful Life. This curation in particular is exciting to me, it has a single clear theme and the posts are so beautiful. We shall deal with the study of our identities, from the simple yet effective habit of questioning our choices and actions, to the exploration of ancient texts. There is a lot of wonderful information in these publications, and after overcoming my brief but intense period of personal confusion, I find them all the more important.

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One of the many things I learned while reading Frank Herbert's "Dune", was to give proper appreciation to questions. Answers, a quote says, are a perilous grasp on the universe, for they may seem sensible yet explain nothing. In this post, @miniklady gives us her perspective regarding the constant process of revision that allows us to connect to deeper layers of our true self. ###
[Who Am I?](https://peakd.com/hive-120078/@miniklady/who-am-i)


Ancient mystical traditions are heavily invested in the study of Consciousness, and there are many accounts that, using different concepts, are nonetheless in agreement about the existence of previous civilizations which were greater than we are now. @julescape tells us about the Four Ages of the Vedas, and the cyclic rise of elevated teachers in human history. ###
[Understanding the concept of an Avatar](https://peakd.com/hive-120078/@julescape/understanding-the-concept-of-an-avatar-like-buddha-based-on-the-vedas)


Shadow Work is one of my specialties. I do it quite often and can fully attest to its benefits. It is not a comfortable or easy practice, but it is certainly valuable for the exploration of our past, our emotional world, our memories and our unconscious codes. In this amazing video, the first of a series, @pixiepost tells us about her experience with Shadow Work through turbulent times. ###
[Self-growth from surviving a narcissistic relationship](https://peakd.com/hive-120078/@pixiepost/self-growth-from-surviving-a-narcissistic-relationship-or-mindful-mondays-ep-34)


Love is the One Truth, the single source and end of all Reality. By training our self-love, we can also love everything around us more. There are many ways we can set out about doing that, but they all involve gratitude, respect, freedom and ability to change often. Take a look at this beautiful post by @soyunasantacruz, which discusses the topic in a simple, fluid and joyous manner! ###
[The energy of Love and how it transforms us](https://peakd.com/hive-120078/@soyunasantacruz/the-energy-of-love-and-how-it-transforms-us)


I always love how honest and wholesome @vincentnijman's posts are. In this one, he talks about how much he loves creation, how he uses it to connect with the little ones in his family, and also what it means to him to be able to create for someone else, all within a context of waves that he now feels he needs to navigate more effectively, perhaps by reducing effort. ###
[Time to start surfing instead of swimming](https://peakd.com/hive-120078/@vincentnijman/time-to-start-surfing-instead-of-swimming-still-learning-how-to-navigate-the-daily-energy-waves)


It is really hard for people who are too rationally-minded to break through the limitations imposed by their own perspectives, accepting and using new knowledge from other sources. In this interesting and intriguing post, @whitelightxpress tells us her husband's father-in-law, his experience with chronic back pain and how he managed, for a time, to heal it through hypnotherapy. ###
[Healing back pain through hypnosis](https://peakd.com/hive-120078/@whitelightxpress/healing-in-practice-healing-back-pain-through-hypnosis-a-case-study)


Have you read @josediccus' poetry? It is quite amazing and genuine. Whenever I catch one of these pieces, I read them out loud because they have such a nice rhythm to them and are written with such candor. Go ahead and read this stupendous ode to the process of self-discovery by embracing change, and how that process helps us love ourselves better. ###
[A broken reflection](https://peakd.com/hive-120078/@josediccus/a-broken-reflection-a-poem-on-self-love-an-original-poetry)

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In every curation, we reward one of our delegators as a 5% beneficiary. This week I randomly chose @heart-to-heart

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Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive-120078/@naturalmedicine/mindful-life-curation-identity-love-questions

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