Friday, February 26, 2021

Painting in the Sun and the Power of Blue


Spring has arrived here in Bulgaria, so it seems. And obviously spring in Bulgaria is like summer in Northern Germany ^^ It's been super warm and sunny and beautiful the last three days, the birds are singing, the little bugs and butterflies are coming back, and I've seen the first little buds and blossoms on the trees and shrubs. When it's so nice and warm and sunny, I really can't get myself to sit inside and work on the computer. Fortunately I don't have to :-) So I moved my "work" to the terrace and did a little analog painting, which I haven't done in a while (I'm making mostly digital art lately). I had started this painting a few weeks ago, and as you can see, I had a huge need for blue ^^ I really believe, that colors do something to us and our feelings. And sometimes I just feel, that a certain color would help me, to raise my mood or bring me back towards my center. Blue is a color that always calms me down. It's deep and open, like the ocean or the sky. And lately I feel, that I need more blue in my life, maybe as a counterbalance to all the changes and challenges of the troubled world outside. So spending my time in the sunshine with a lot of blue felt really healthy today :-) So this is how far I got with the painting. I just started without a plan, and I still don't know where it's heading. It's just to play a bit with colors and to relax. Also I've realized that it's good for me to sometimes work with real paint on real canvas (or wood, in this case). Painting is a much more sensible and slow this way, because the paint needs to dry and I have to wait until I start with the next layer. Also I don't have an "undo" button, so I have to be really aware of what I'm doing ^^ I hope, there will be more days like this in the next time. I feel so recharged and relaxed! This country has really been good to me this winter, giving me a lot of sunshine, even in the coldest weeks <3 Thank you Bulgaria!


*all images by me <3*

Originally posted here:

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