Sunday, February 21, 2021

Blogging challenge #7 my usual diet.


My usual diet I must admit is not very healthy. That's why u choice this photo as an example. Well I don't eat all these sweets all by my self but with my boyfriend and my stepdaughter, but believe me, I can be able to eat them all alone. I like eat a lot, surely too much because I am 20 kilos over my ideal weight. I was slim before, but after the covid I must admit my unhealthy diet get worse and without my gym days at home in only walk for doing the house tasks but I pass most of the time on the sofa.



Usually in these covid days I eat much more than usual. I eat not only sweets and chips but I must admire these two foods are part of my daily diet. But I also eat a lot of vegetables, courgettes, gabbage, eggplants, broccoli etc... I often eat vegetables too because I buy a lot of them for my Guinea pigs and so for me too. My Guinea pigs help me to have more vegetables in my diet!!


I also eat a lot of pasta, of various kind and with many sauces, we eat it almost every day for lunch. But not for dinner is too heavy. I do the sauces by myself, often with tomatoes, vegetables or meat mixed with tomatoes and on Friday with fish. I like fish a lot but I don't eat much fish because my boyfriend don't like it and it is expensive. By the way luckily I'm in health I did all the analysis for my nurse course and my analysis are all OK. But I miss my gym days and my old body. About other things I eat often bread with the meat, I prefer white meat but twice for week I cook red meat. And I love tea, milk and juices. I also naturally love sweets and cakes. I eat too much often sweets!!


Originally posted here:

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