Friday, February 26, 2021

What is optimal food 2
Hello awesome people. Welcome to a new article about optimal food. These days we're encouraged to be more responsible in the name of health. Optimal food can help us have optimal health.

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Fortunately, we can find what’s optimal food with a simple test: - Would we eat this food in nature? [First]( part of the thread. How about we explore even more foods and see how many will pass the test? # How about honey? How many kilos of honey are there in nature in a form we would actually eat? I don't know and i don't think there are enough. On top of the realization that we wouldn't eat honey in nature, here are more facts: Honeybees kick out native pollinators. Because of that, an increased honeybee population implies a decreased native pollinators population. Honeybees aren't the best pollinators. Other types of bees and insects do a much better job. Plants need native pollinators for pollination, not honeybees. Less pollination affects everything, as everything that happens on our planet requires plants that come from pollination. My curiosity is this: Do we really need honey? We wouldn’t eat honey in nature, so Why would we consider it? People believe they need honey because they complicate themselves with recipes that require sweeteners. And in an attempt to live a healthier life, they replace sugar with honey. People believe honey is a healthy choice because it comes from nature, after appropriate processing. Sugar (that also comes from nature after appropriate processing) provides even less energy than honey. That's just one fact to consider when it comes to healthy choices. There are multiple facts to consider about honey and other natural concentrated sugars that you can find in the resources of this article. Also, the need for a sweetener shows that we don't live the healthiest life, as we don't need sweeteners to eat our optimal food i.e. the healthiest food. An optimal life is also the simplest life, as we don't need to complicate with recipes (nor with sweeteners) to eat our optimal food. Not to mention animal cruelty involved in the honey industry. Why is cruelty the last argument i mention? Interacting with people i noticed they don't really care about animals. They only care about themselves. So people might be more inclined to be mindful about what the’re doing when they know in what way their behaviour affects **them**. This might explain why the vegan community is so small. Vegans try to convince people to give up animal products by appealing to people’ care for animals, - care that exists only for their pets, - care that's nonexistent for the animals they consume. There are many foods that are advertised as natural, despite the fact we wouldn't eat them in their natural form. The reason we wouldn't eat honey in nature is that honey doesn't exist in nature in the form we find it in stores: honeybees make it so they can feed larvae and feed themselves when they don't have access to flowers. We find it in stores because we exploit honeybees to take their honey that isn't produced for us. Are you sure a plant-based lifestyle is better than the common lifestyle? Don't worry. There's no cruelty and it's healthier. Because of that, the plant-based movement makes sense. Still, saying that a plant-based lifestyle is healthier than the common lifestyle is a half-truth. Actually, the accuracy of this half-truth depends on multiple factors. E.g. the proportion of plant-based cooked food: the more plant-based cooked food we eat, the more negative health effects we have. Another factor is the type of cooked food, as some cooked foods are healthier than others. The other half of the story is that a lifestyle of only plant-based live food is healthier than a lifestyle that also consists in plant-based cooked food. People can remain to plant-based cooked foods when they don't have information about their negative health effects. E.g. many years i went through the hassle of cooking plant-based foods because of incomplete information. In that period of time i didn't know cooked food is not even necessary. That's why i believe complete information can help people avoid the unnecessary hassle of cooking food. Complete information can also help people avoid unnecessary health problems caused by the negative health effects of cooked food. I share what's optimal and what’s not, because complete information can enhance someone's health. You’re still totally free to eat whatever you want. # Omnivore vs vegetarian vs fruitarian There is an epic debate between omnivores and vegetarians. Omnivores believe our lifestyle should include animal products. There is an even bigger debate between vegetarians and fruitarians. Vegetarians believe we need beans, grains, roots, all leaves available for sale. Some people defend their belief with variety. They say: > Eat the rainbow. All vegetables available for sale are good. What do you think about this argument for including all vegetables in our optimal food? It's true that variety is good, as a variety of colors implies a variety of nutrients. Still, Let's suppose you're in nature. Since you're in nature, multiple foods are not even part of the discussion: - Cheese, burgers, sausages, milk and other animal-based processed foods, - Vegan cheese, vegan burgers, vegan sausages, vegan milk and other plant-based processed foods, - A jar of honey, refined sugar, and other sweeteners, - Pickles, spices, seasonings, ground pepper, fine salt, oil, vinegar, paprika, mustard, etc. - Raw crackers, raw-vegan burgers, and other dehydrated raw-foods, - Raw-vegan cakes, raw-vegan cookies and other raw-vegan desserts, - Juices, smoothies, In nature you have access to: - Animals e.g. marine animals, chickens, ducks, pigs, rabbits, turkeys, geese, sheep, goats, cows, calves, rodents, pigeons, buffaloes, dogs, cats, horses, donkeys, mules, camels. - Beans, soy, grains, wheat, rice, edible seeds (sunflower seeds), - Mushrooms, Edible roots e.g. carrots, - Leaves: cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, collard greens, spinach. - Fruits that are inedible in their natural form: an olive tree, chili pepper, etc - Fruits that are edible in their natural form: a banana tree, etc. Since you're in nature, the only way to feed yourself is to eat food in its natural form. I.e. - You can drink cow's milk, goats' milk, etc. as long as you drink it right from the source. - You can eat eggs as long as you can eat them in their natural form. - You can enjoy the chicken flesh you bite from a dead chicken. Supposedly, you killed it. - You can enjoy the pig flesh you bite from a dead pig. Supposedly, you managed to kill it. - You can enjoy beans, soy, grains, wheat, rice, seeds, mushrooms, roots, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, collard greens, spinach, olives, chili pepper, in their natural form. The food we can't eat in its natural form is food for which we're not adapted. Now we have access to: - Food for which we're adapted. - Food for which we're not adapted. Seriously, Which food would you choose? I hope this is a good enough way to solve the dilemma of being omnivore vs vegetarian vs fruitarian. My go-to foods are foods for which we're adapted. Be my guest, show me a better alternative to food for which we’re adapted. In spite of all the negative health effects of cooked food, many people recommend plant-based cooked foods. What's up with these conflicting views? How many people who know the negative health effects of cooked food are there? I don't know and i don't think there are enough, otherwise Why do so many people recommend plant-based cooked food? How come we don't have education about optimal health after 12 years of education? Who regulates the education system? Our leaders regulate the education system. Nowadays, they invest many resources for health. Imagine how many health problems we can prevent with education about optimal health? How come they don't include education about optimal health in the education system? # Resources: [honey](, [2](, [3](, [4](, [sweeteners](, [advertising](, [education*](, [2](, [leadership](, [2](, In this [resource]( you can see how many marine animals, chickens, ducks, pigs, rabbits, turkeys, geese, sheep, goats, cows, calves, rodents, pigeons, buffaloes, dogs, cats, horses, donkeys, mules, camels have been killed worldwide by the meat, egg, and dairy industries since you opened the webpage. [Hive]( community For people who like the messenger function, here's a [MeWe]( community, in which you can also find resources in the form of files. MeWe is a social media with no ads that also has messenger function. # Bottomline Honey and other sweeteners don't pass the test, despite the fact they're considered natural foods. So it's good to know that: - optimal food is not all the foods advertised as being natural. Just as, - optimal food is not all the foods that are advertised (meat, dairy, etc). This article are part of [a book]( We can explore even more foods in the [next]( article. Until then, in the comment section you can share your opinion for the questions of this article. Thanks so much for reading. Have a great day.
Originally posted here:

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