Sunday, February 28, 2021

Toxic and harmful foods for our brain.

Toxic and harmful foods for our brain.

Continuing the previous publication on how to take care of our brain, we know that the blood-brain barrier, the one that separates the brain and blood, is an essential barrier to maintain your brain and it is also advisable to avoid the foods that I am going to mention in this publication and the following ones.

They are the foods that hurt the brain the fastest, we all want to be healthy and we want to avoid memory or cognitive capacity problems as the years go by, this is a common fear and although it is very important to take care of your brain, above all, take care of this division that He mentioned between brain and blood to avoid the entry of toxic substances from the brain that should not enter, we really have to consider that there are specific foods and specific toxins that are responsible for most of the damage we do in the brain throughout our lives .


Trans fats and vegetable oils are not the only foods that can harm your brain, so I am going to mention 9 the foods that we should take care of the most and what else we should avoid if we can, to optimize the functioning of our brain and avoid damage In the long term, because the two things go hand in hand, in the first place we have foods rich in histamine, basically histamine is a compound that releases in cells that we have in our immune system called mast cells, this obviously has a lot to do with allergies these cells are part of the immune system and tend to proliferate and develop more in the face of things that stress you, like most allergens that is why they are associated with allergies, but the important thing is that once it is released histamine dilates the blood vessels and increases blood flow to the stressed area as happens when someone's skin becomes red from an allergy for example, this also It also leads to inflammation and also high levels of histamine can cause mental fog at the nervous system level, headaches, systemic conditions that in general tend to be hereditary, such as systemic mastocytosis, and all of these have in common that they give high levels of inflammation that can give As a consequence, at the level of the nervous system, decreased attention span, irritability and even depression.

The most obvious way to reduce histamine when we have it high is and the foods that increase histamine are those that do not generate allergies, this is the first step we must do and in the first place as foods that raise histamine we have cereals and dairy products, because they generate increases in histamine values ​​in the blood but by no means are they the only ones, it can also happen to me with fermented beverages, as it happens particularly with beer and to a lesser extent with some other fermented foods, such as sauerkraut, if I I have an allergy response to these foods, that is why it is important when we consume fermented products to be safe or do the test that you do not have an allergy to their food, the way to be sure if this food allergy happens or not is to see if it generates me bloating, but in general foods pickled, in soy sauce, yogurt, smoked meats, added and many other products can be s factors that modify me and stimulate the production of histamine.

Take a test.

Within nuts, the classic example of this is peanuts and some shellfish are very common as histamine elevators, it always implies that you have to do a personal test, because not all people respond the same to food; that's why there are allergy tests designed to evaluate your particular allergies.

Let's leave the leftovers.

And one of the foods richest in histamine, although it does not occur to us to think about it in general, is when we eat leftovers, when we make a lot of a plate and eat it for two or three days because on the third day it is obviously fermented, more than that he did the first day, then we are consuming, we are generating a greater increase in histamine for the same substance, for the same dish, it is not completely about eliminating these foods, but rather it is about understanding that many times the superfood than for someone is for another person can be a generator of an increase in histamine on the one hand and a generator of an increase in cortisol because when we consume a substance to which we are allergic we increase our stress hormone, we increase our cortisol, we alter and increase our levels of blood glucose and this will change our immune response and our bacterial flora.

The Paleo Diet.

If I want to reduce these histamine values, what you are going to do is eat foods that have other characteristics, obviously most of the fresh animal products that have not been preserved, they usually have an effect opposite to that of histamine, that is why that when I have many food allergies, one of the diets that works best to reduce those allergy symptoms is the paleo diet, because it is rich in animal products, it is rich in fresh vegetables that have not undergone fermentation.

If you have digestive inflammation in general, I recommend that you first look for FODMAP foods, which are the foods that generate the most fermentation and specifically avoid those types of vegetables to see what happens with your histamine values ​​and to see what happens with your symptoms.

If you want to reduce the levels of histamine that you have in your body and that are giving you this uncomfortable digestive response, high levels of fat such as olive oil, coconut oil or some types of teas and infusions are very good to reduce the immunological effects generated by histamine.

Souce 1 Souce 2 Souce 3

Originally posted here:

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