Monday, February 22, 2021

Not Sure What to Write About for A Natural Medicine Blog Post?
Some people on HIVE would LOVE to write a #naturalmedicine post, but are not sure if we'd accept it. Thus, the curators have got together to give you a whole heap of inspiration for post ideas that are perfectly awesome under the natural medicine tag! We hope it helps!


### Herbs, Plants, Cannabis, Foraging & Wildcrafting - What herb do you grow in your garden for medicinal purposes and why? - Share your journey to healing through the use of CBD oils - Detail how to make a herbal medicine from a plant eg rosehip syrup, a fire cider, oxymel, healing balm, oil etc - What is the scientific research behind 'x' plant? - Describe the use of a plant used in a spiritual ritual - What herbs address stress, hormones, the liver, the heart or any other particular organ or response? - What cultural concerns might surround the use of a particular plant? - Describe your foraging experience this week - What wild food recipes can you share? - What is your favourite wild food? - Is wildcrafting always ethical? ### Homesteading & Gardening - Have you ever used hugelkultur, permaculture, wicking beds or other alternative gardening methods that really work? - What alternatives can you use to commerical pesticides and herbicides that really work? - Detail what's happening in your organic garden this month - What alternative medicines or methods do you use to keep your livestock healthy? - How do you repurpose things around the homestead? - What methods do you use to preserve an abundant harvest? - How do you garden to suit your climate? - If you don't have a garden and instead grow in pots, either outdoors or indoors, tell us how you go about it - Share a recipe for a meal you made with your produce from the garden/homestead - What projects have you got going on your homestead or in the garden? ### Mindfulness, Meditation, Self Help & Mental Health - What is your favourite mindfulness practice? - Record a yoga nidra or other meditative practice and upload to 3speak - Have you ever tried Emotional Freedom Tapping - does it work? - How can neuroscience inform meditative practices? - How might we practice self love? ### Vegan, Plant Based & Conscious Eating - Which alternative milk is better for the planet? - Do keto diets really work, and how? - What's your favourite recipe book? - How might non meat eaters address a low iron issue? - If we really care about animals, would we eat meat or honey? - Do you have a tasty vegan recipe with step-by-step instructions and photos? - What are the reasons you have taken up a vegan/vegetarian/plantbased diet? - What are your favorite herbs and spices and how do you use them in your dishes? - How you do you veganize recipes that normally contain meat and what substitutes do you use? ### Yoga, Dancing, Tai Chi & Other Moving Meditations/Therapies - What is your experience with a somatic art that connects mind and body? - What is the therapeutic benefit of art? - How might yoga help with trauma & PTSD? - What yoga poses are good for regulating hormones or addressing other body systems? - Anything on chakra systems, yoga philosophy and texts eg Bhagavid Gita, Patanjali. - Breakdown a pose or a sequence - Describe your personal experience in healing from your chosen movement ### General Fitness & Health - What are your 'get fit' resolutions? - What health issues are you addressing in alternative ways? - How's your jogging plan going and are you noticing results? - How might exercise be good for mental health? Thankyou to our dear curators @drrune, @trucklife-family, @minismallholding and @justinparke for your help on this post. You've all recieved a part beneficiary for your troubles. Thankyou for your patience in doing it twice as the first draft was lost - you are so appreciated!


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Originally posted here:

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