Friday, August 7, 2020

When Western medicine was hijacked
Over the years I have compiled a symposium, a repository if you will, an archive of tidbits, connections and whacky (but true) stories detailing how and why the American healthcare system has become what it is currently: a catastrophic failure costing nearly a trillion dollars annually and delivering possibly the unhealthiest population in history. I mean that. Really, when has there been a society where nearly 90% of the citizenry is overweight, 40% are obese and rising, type II diabetes is on the rise along with essentially every preventable lifestyle disease in the book including mental disorders, all while a single entity, the pharmaceutical global cartels have managed to scrape hundreds of billions of dollars out of the very people it claims to this day to serve? Its a travesty of justice, and worse yet, it is [normalized]( People that are unhealthily overweight now often times consider this normal and even healthy. And we wonder why more and more people are sick and on life-leeching medications. "I'm overweight and pre-diabetic, but other than that I'm pretty healthy." That's a phrase I've heard many times. No, you're not healthy. You're on the verge of insulin resistance and you're carrying around extra dead weight that taxes your cardiovascular system, organs as well as damages your joints prematurely. So where did this chicanery start? Why is the wool over so many people's eyes? ## Meet the Rockefellers. You can't throw a stone without hitting a Rockefeller foundation operative these days, and with healthcare this is *certainly* no different. Its interesting to note that William Rockefeller was actually the person for whom the term "snake oil salesman" was coined, and he later was instrumental in hijacking the AMA and the medical system which now refers to "alternative" treatments as snake oil. Oh the irony. In the late 1800's into the early 1900's, most health practitioners were focusing primarily on [natural healing techniques]( like holistic health and nutrition. In the meantime, Standard oil, run by the psychopathic tycoons the Rockefellers, was eager to extend its conglomerate into other arenas. They fixed their eyes on medicine. Through the invention of petroleum based medicine, which we now simply call "drugs", the Rockefellers found a nice niche and decided to throw their money at it of which they were unmatched. For an in depth look at Rockefeller medicine check out the Corbett documentary here... The [flexner report]( of 1910 paved the way for a revamping of medical schools and had the good intention of attempting to standardize medical schooling in America. Instead, it was pounced on by the Rockefeller foundation and other cronies and led the way to what was essentially the hijacking of medical schooling by the Rockefeller cartel. The immensely wealthy family began to throw millions at the most prestigious medical schools in the country. Again, at the time, nutritional and holistic therapies were the most popular forms of treatment for disease. The Rockefeller family proceeded to install chairmen at these schools to "oversee" these schools, and there was a catch: the schools had to start teaching solely allopathic medicine to doctors or else that funding was going to disappear. The rest of medical schooling is history and this is where we are today. ## American Murder Association


Its important to note that the American Medical Association is a sort of doctor's union to represent and protect doctor's interests. Of course this only applies if you teach allopathic and drug based medicine which never cures any disease and is designed to create lifelong customers for profits. The Rockefeller foundation of course was funding this association as far back as 1910 and essentially owned it. To this day the AMA continues to disavow what they consider to be "pseduoscientific remedies" which is anything that doesn't involve drugging, maiming, harming and even killing patients by the millions. Its a sort of gatekeeper which deters osteopaths, naturopaths and any sort of holistic practitioner. The medical cartels in this country run much like the mafia, as do most multibillion dollar industries which use immense funding and influence to lobby the government to get their wishes granted and to stifle any competition; that competition being anyone that actually heals someone and thus cuts off profit supply chains, which must be kept moving and expanding constantly in our for-profit healthcare system. So in terms of the mob, the AMA is like a form of enforcer that seeks to wreck the reputation and downplay any competition. And of course they were essentially funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. ## Rockefeller Tentacles The Rockefeller foundation has its fingers in every pie imaginable and also provided the funding for the World Health Organization who's sole purpose appears to be selling experimental vaccinations to be tested on third-world countries. Currently the Rockefeller foundation is at the helm of the [national covid-19 action plan]( which should come to no surprise as it will reap immense profits through the jabbing of nasal swabs deep into the sinus cavities of hundreds of millions of people and of course someone has to make those tests and thus someone is making a lot of money, and unsurprisingly the Rockefeller "philanthropists" as they call themselves are one of them. See, this is the way psychopaths work. They can never get enough money, and they don't care who gets pummeled along the way as long as there's a huge bottom line at the end. There is simply never enough money to be had, and that is what happens when you are a greedy, power hungry group of self-appointed specialists and "heroes" even though nobody ever elected them to do so. The Rockefeller Foundation started up the [General Education Board]( which became the Dept. of Education in the United States. It seems that oil, drugs and medical monopolies were not enough for this vampiric entity. So now we know that they controlled what kids are learning and funded a hefty $1,000,000 to its inception in the early 1900's. The Rockefeller Foundation has been involved and is still involved in literally endless escapades spanning every science and subject one could think of. Take the time to use the link above to navigate the site for yourself and listen to these "philanthropists" (psychopaths) gloat about how much they have helped humanity. What they really did was take complete control of the oil industry, pretend to have it broken down by anti-trust laws which literally just split it into several companies still owned by the same company. They destroyed natural health movements and led to a catastrophic failure known as mainstream medicine which continues to bankrupt, harm and generally kill innumerable people through countless drugs, mostly oil based, throughout the last several decades. They funded and therefore heavily controlled the entire education and schooling system resulting in the government indoctrination centers that pass as schools today, churning out millions of mindless, ignorant and programmed youth created simply to be cheap labor and to serve the military. And that is just a small taste of how the healthcare system in the U.S. was systematically taken over by a money spewing monopolistic parasite known as the Rockefeller Foundation, and so those wondering why there are no natural cures ever touted by the government, the AMA or the mainstream media apparatus, well, there is just a short synopsis of your answer.
Originally posted here:

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