Tuesday, August 11, 2020

What if viruses aren't even real?

First off let me preface this article by saying that I am not saying that what we know as viruses themselves are not real, as in there are pieces of material present in live bodies that we call "viruses". What I'm insinuating here is that viruses as presented by mainstream media sources and many purported "experts" in "science" may not be *anything like what we have been told for the past several decades* and I have ample data here to prove my point. So here we go. # Conventional virus theory


Let's start out by dissecting the foundational premise of medicine in the Western world i.e. germ theory. In the mainstream medical community germ theory is the gospel and even a mere questioning of this theory would most likely amount to total discredidation and career suicide for any scientific "professional" unlucky enough to be caught in that massive vortex of group think. If germ theory were proven to be a sham which I am more and more convinced that it is by the day, then the entire paradigm of "modern medicine" would be collapse like a house of cards. Its literally the engine that drives the allopathic disease model. One would think that there would be literally seas of information and studies showing how germ theory operates. Sadly, nothing is further from the truth. Even [wikipedia, notoriously industry dominated can hardly offer any information on this concept that was formed in the middle ages](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germ_theory_of_disease). In fact, there is hardly any evidence to speak of that viruses can be transmitted from person to person much less from another species (like a pig or a bat as has been opined in the past). There are all sorts of fancy and jargon-filled and therefore intelligent sounding articles and publications about how viruses can spread between cells, like this one from the NCBI about [pathogenesis](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK8149/) but there are no STUDIES showing that a virus can be spread from human to human contact to speak of. I've heard the reasoning that such a study would be unethical because it would be attempting to intentionally make someone sick (which makes sense) but by this reasoning we are supposed to believe that viruses are floating through the air or by droplet by what exactly? Not a very scientific explanation for the spread of viruses...so, some guy pontificated with a feather in his hat hundreds of years ago but since we can't do studies because they're "unethical" then we're just supposed to take this at face value? Somehow a lack of being able to do a study somehow exempts virus theory from the proper scientific method? A free pass for germ theory? Well, to be fair, I *did* actually find a study that was done in 1921 during the Spanish flu...its very hard to find, but it seems back then they decided that such a study, unethical or not, was warranted to further understand how these sort of things happen. (*Side note, the Spanish flu was also nothing of the sort but that's another topic for another time*). Only this study didn't exactly prove germ theory instead it did exactly the opposite. This study is cited in the book "Invisible Rainbow" which goes into detail about the hypothesis that massive changes in electromagnetic charges across the planet can cause what appears to be a "pandemic"...interestingly the 1918 pandemic coincided just as radar was being rolled out en masse across the entire American continent, literally putting a layer of never-before used technology over the entire country. I will admit that on the computer I'm writing this on I don't have the PDF downloaded for this study but for anyone willing to really search you can find it and it is pretty eviscerating in its implications. You could also again get a copy of *The Invisible Rainbow* and find the study yourself from the footnotes. The study attempted to have three separate groups of 100 volunteers that would have sick people with the "Spanish Flu" cough on them, into their mouths...they even went so far as to have the mucous secretions swabbed from the sick person and place *directly* into the volunteer's mouth and throat (gross!). The result? Not one of the 300 volunteers was made sick during the study. 0% contagious. Its sort of funny in a way how some of these tenants of science that we so easily take at face value fall straight off a cliff when actually examined with a fine-toothed comb. Germ theory appears to be one of these theories. **Dr. Kaufman extrapolates on this whole situation in some of his videos, mostly banned from youtube. Here's the bitchute link:** https://www.bitchute.com/video/TXargSbVp7E/ Like so many things with what has turned into the *cult of mainstream science* we are simply to believe everything we hear from handpicked and industry funded "experts" and everyone else is just a pseudoscience peddling conspiracy theorists who needs to be scrubbed off every platform available. Great industry, this science. # Exosomes = viruses From the NCBI concerning viruses and exosomes: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2248418/ "A bold new theory suggests that retroviruses have hijacked an intercellular communication system for both their biogenesis and spread. The concept, outlined by Stephen Gould, Amy Booth, and James Hildreth (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD) has implications for HIV treatment and immunization strategies, and may explain why tissue rejection occurs in humans." "Hildreth was looking at human proteins that HIV acquires during its biogenesis, and noticed that lysosomal proteins were in the mix. This ties in with recent findings in this and other journals that HIV is packaged in late endosomes" **For those wondering, endosomes mean the debris inside of a cell. Once it is transferred out of the cell into the interstitial fluid it becomes an exosome, so for all practical purposes they are the same thing** "Hildreth now proposes that “the virus is fully an exosome in every sense of the word."" It goes on to propose another vague and blurry hypothesis that viruses have "hijacked" the exosomal process, like a terrorist or something. But it is awfully easy to draw the conclusion here that, as the doctor said himself, **viruses are exosomes** and therefore by logic **exosomes are viruses** and the two forever shall be the same.


*exosomes under an electron microscope* Looks a lot like the virus cartoons we see all over the place. The reason I say cartoons is because you have a hell of a time finding actual footage of viruses under a microscope. Just do a google image search and see what I mean. For exosomes you get lots of these photos...for viruses you get lots of computer generated images, although a few microscopic images do exist. Again, if the science here is so cut and dry then there should be literally volumes of microscopic images of these viruses...why are there always so many CGI photos instead?


*image of a virus* Its important to understand what exactly an exosome is in the first place and why they could easily be mistaken for viruses and as we see may actually *be* viruses...viruses that aren't harming the body but are instead just a normal part of cellular clean up. Every cell in the body is like a miniature village. And like any village or city or town, there is waste generated. Free radicals, misshapen proteins and all sorts of other waste byproducts that have to be gotten rid of to avoid toxicity in the cell. Just like a city needs a sewer system and has to remove the trash. So the endosome is essentially the debris enveloped in a sheath that keeps it from just dispersing everywhere. Its like a trash bag holding the trash. Then, the endosome goes through the cellular wall where it becomes an exosome. Then it can be transferred out of the body to be rid of (urine, feces, and...mucus as in snot) just like any other waste. We would say that you have a "cold" but really it is just your body getting rid of waste! The more toxic your body is, the worse this will be. Sometimes your body senses that it needs a massive detoxification and you develop detoxification processes that we commonly call **the flu** where there is rapid detox (high fever, sweating to remove toxins, vomiting to remove toxins, diarrhea, runny nose, sneezing, etc). The scary part about this whole thing is that literally everyone has these exosomes inside of them because everyone's cells are doing this. Sure, the more unhealthy you are the more exosomes you may have and the more *symptoms* you will show, but even healthy people have some of these little bastards floating around because its a normal part of the body's metabolism. So guess what that means? The NPCR covid-19 test that seems to imply that this "virus" is so contagious? It could be testing for exosomes. That means that *literally every single person on the planet* could potentially test positive if they take the test enough times! That's one of the keys to this whole coronavirus racket / scam / plandemic fiasco. Its one of the engines driving it all. As long as they test they *will find* positives...literally forever and ever. Even our "public health officials" (excuse me while I dryheave) admit that this tests for [RNA fragments](https://www.cuimc.columbia.edu/file/45085/download?token=smki2GN_) that they conveniently call the virus. But its not a "virus" its an RNA fragment or an exosome. So unless a whole hell of a lot of people learn how these things work and fast, we will be stuck in the perpetual "hotspot / lockdown" arena of chicanery until the end of time or until this entire world is locked down and sanitized (in more ways than one). # Putting two and two together... So we have a few things to wrap together here that give an interesting perspective on this entire hoax (and it is DEFINITELY a hoax no doubt about that): - There is very little difference between viruses and exosomes which are present in every human and therefore more tests will ALWAYS equal more positive cases and "outbreaks" - There's no real evidence that a virus can spread, which makes sense seeing as they are exosomes that are created by the body, they do not magically jump around through the air, although they could be spread through *injection* aka vaccination (we didn't touch on that much) - The Spanish flu studies showed quite conclusively that you cannot spread viruses from person to person therefore the entire mask / social distancing measures are not only useless and ill-founded but also dangerous and unhealthy to our health - Germ theory has never been proven in terms of viruses and is just that: a theory that hopefully one day we will transcend There's more to this puzzle as well and I could very well be wrong about a lot of it but the more you study and look at the big picture the clearer and more connected the whole thing seems to be. We're taking the word of massive industries and letting them dictate our lives, essentially push many into slavery and this doesn't look to be ending anytime soon because the masses of the public are completely ignorant to this information. Not that its really their fault, we don't learn any of this in school and we are conditioned to bow to authority figures even unelected ones that we have no control over whatsoever. I think its time that we start to take a hammer and chisel to a lot of these "ten commandment" scientific principles starting with germ theory. Its time for people to realize that health and sickness always originate *within* even if there is an outside catalyst (pollution, poor food, toxins ingested etc.). Once we can realize this one idea collectively we can take the power back and give a big middle finger to these psychopaths and idiots at the helm of a fake pandemic who's sole motive is to usher in a one world centralized control grid where you can't even walk to the store without getting your temperature checked, with a mask on, and having to show an immunity passport. We're not slaves, we're free humans. Let's start acting like it.
Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive-122315/@zydane/what-if-viruses-aren-t-even-real

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