Thursday, August 6, 2020

Something Has To Change - My Fitness Challenge And Plan
Publishing this on the blockchain in hopes that it will keep be accountable.

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Why I'm doing this?
There are actually few reasons. First and most important is that I haven't been active at all lately and I'm really feeling sluggish. During spring I did help with the garden and other outdoors work so at least some sort of movement was part of my daily routine. Now that the temperatures are higer and I'm still spending most of my time at home, I got really lazy as I found it hard to do anything in the heat. There is also not much outdoors work anymore so I just got comfortable doing nothing.
I have this photo of mine I took years ago when I was very active doing group fitness classes - mostly Zumba and then adding whatever I felt like doing. I went to the fitness center 4-5 times a week. Looking at that photo, I remembered how amazing I felt during those times, not only because results showed on my body but also because I had a lot more energy, I was a lot more confident and overall felt so much better. So I want to feel that way again. Of course, being active has many other benefits and I'm also keeping those in mind, especially with my scoliosis, sitting this much can't do me any good.
Another reason is just me wanting to challenge myself. I don't know where this came from, but I just want a good, visible challenge so I finally decided to tackle my muffin top and hip dips. :) I am not extremely bothered by these but since I feel the motivation to get active, I might as well tackle these spots and see how much progress I can make.

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My body type
I was always among the tallest (177cm) in my class/ friends group and I was always on the skinny side, with quite thin and long legs and arms, wider hips compared to my waist (muffin top), a little bit something in the back and nothing in the chest area (you know what I mean lol). Overall, in my teenage years I never really thought that much about my body, I wasn't really aware of it, if that makes sense. If there is something that I was aware of sometimes, it was mostly my height and small boobs, but that came somewhere after high-school.
Over time, I have learned to accept and actually like my height and body type. I think that's very important and that we should work with what we have. I cannot change my height, how long my legs/arms are and some other things, but there's a lot I can work on. So my main focus and long term goal is to get a stronger, healthier, more flexible body - getting rid of the muffin top and hip dips is more of a follow-up goal/challenge, almost something to do for fun.

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Activity plans and ideas
This is something I still need to work on. Over the weekend I will look up for some excercises and put them together based on the muscle groups. I already know some I'll definitely put on the list but some research needs to be done on those specific areas I mentioned I want to tackle. Other activities that will be on my list are long walks, biking, basketball and possibly even running? I went for a run only couple times in my entire life so I cannot tell if it's going to be something I would put myself through regularly but I'll definitely give it a go (finally!) and see how it feels. Biking is probably going to be my main choice, at least during these hot days, I prefer long walks in spring/autumn. I guess I should get up earlier, choose what I want to do that day and do it first thing in the morning, before the heat. I've been waking up around 7am lately, but I spend a good hour laying in bed, listening to music until I finally get up for my morning coffee that I end up drinking for another hour, lol. That's already two hours of me being a lazy ass!

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Diet plans and ideas
I was never a big fan of any diets but I did try to change some parts of my eating habits, always refering them as a 'lifestyle change' rather than a diet. I have found that during the time I was very active, my eating habits became a lot better and healthier, it would kind of follow up naturally. I remember I had no desire to drink alcohol whatsoever so I went three months without a sip of alcohol. My desire for it was completely gone (this won't be a big problem now since I don't even go out but I just thought I would mention it). With all that being said, I don't think I will have a dramatic, overnight change of my diet now, I'll focus on eating a healthy breakfast, keep drinking a lot of water and have healthy snacks as much as possible which is something I have already been doing since my favorite snacks lately have been berries from our garden. As I become more active, I assume some other healthier changes might follow up again.

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Okay, now that I have put this out there, I hope it will give me a little bit more motivation for this fitness journey. Any tips/advice is always welcome. I will probably do update posts as time goes on. And if this end ups being one big fail, I am very sorry for wasting your time with this post. :D


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Originally posted here:

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