Tuesday, August 4, 2020

My Actifit Report Card: August 4 2020


I'm sure it was the British band "Blur" that sang the song "parklife"..... Well since the lockdown has eased, that's all my life has become. We've got 4 months of park fun to catch up on, and doesn't 1/2pint love reminding me the moment I walk in through the door from work that **"the park is open Daddy....."**

Come rain, sunshine, wind or snow, he's adamant that the park is the only place he wants to go, and would you guess it, living in Wales, surprise suprise it started to rain. Not to worry, he's got his eye on my jacket and so I guess it's me thats getting wet then??!!??

I jumped on the scales and low and behold, another 2lb weight loss now totaling - 14lb weight loss since the start of my healthy eating kick. It's definitely more of a lifestyle choice this time and not just another fad-diet, and the proof is in the pudding (as they say). I'm eating well, feeling better for it and not bored of the same old salads, boring foods and bland flavours. That's simply because I'm not following a conventional diet, all I'm simply doing is watching what I eat, counting calories, cutting out inbetween meal snacking and doing more regular exercise.

Once again, after a 2 week lay-off due to a calf muscle tare, I made it back out for my daily jog. Not a great distance and not a great time, but this was a trial run to see if my legs could handle it again before upping the tempo and distances of the coming weeks.

More surprisingly, I'm very happy with my heart rate and the "zone" I found myself in throughout that exercise. It's all about working smarter and not necessarily harder. If I can keep my BPM in this range then vast improvements will surely be just around the corner as I pick up the intensity with out busting-a-gut (no pun intended). If you made it this far, thank you. Hope you've enjoyed this post and come back for more as I share with you all my attempts at trying to be fit before 40!
_This report was published via Actifit app ([Android](https://bit.ly/actifit-app) | [iOS](https://bit.ly/actifit-ios)). Check out the original version [here on actifit.io](https://actifit.io/@welshstacker/actifit-welshstacker-20200804t200317632z)_

Daily Activity, Jogging, Play with kids/grand kids, Running
182.8 cm
106.1 kg
Body Fat

Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive-193552/@welshstacker/actifit-welshstacker-20200804t200317632z

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