Thursday, August 6, 2020

Make Sprouts @Home - A Natural & Simple Process of Making Healthy Sprouts...
Let's start this post with - what is Sprouts? Do you LOVE Sprouts? Worried how to make Sprouts @Home? Then this article regarding How to Make Sprouts @Home is for YOU... Germinating of Seeds, Beans, and even different types of cereals is called Sprouting. There are various types of sprouts that you can get from a supermarket or any vegetable store.


### What are the Benefits of consuming Sprouts? Many health experts, nutritionists, and even so-called dietitians recommend eating sprouts due to the various nutrients present in sprouts. To name a few Sprouts is a wonderful source of:: - Fiber - Vitamins - Proteins - Folate - Magnesium - Phosphorus - Manganese - Vitamin C - Vitamin K One point to note here is that Sprouts have to be eaten raw if you plan to gain all the health benefits provided by it. Before the Covid-19 took place we use to order Sprouts from the supermarket. Simply because it is all the more convenient and is easily available without any hassle. But now that Covid-19 has taught us many lessons and one of the lessons learned is making as much as things possible at home and this is the reason why we thought of sprouting at home. Believe it is more hygienic and healthy. Now the next question that comes to mind is ... How do we prepare Sprouts @Home? A simple and easy way without much of hassle, I'm going to share the process of making Sprouts @Home. Try it out and I am sure you will love the whole germinating process. I am sure you will get as excited to see the sprouts growing as I was hen I noticed them the first time. Ingredients Required For Making Sprouts: This mainly depends upon your choice of cereals/lentils/pulses, beans, or any seeds that you would like to germinate. In our example we have taken two bowls of cereal:: Following are the pictures of the Pulses; - **Bengal Gram**


- **Green Gram**


### Step-By-Step Instructions of Making Sprouts: - Take 2 cups of green gram and 2 cups of Bengal gram. Quantity may vary based upon your consumption. 2 cups of both of these grams will be able to serve 4 people. - Rinse the grams i.e. wash them thoroughly so that any dust particles are removed. - Soak the grams in clean water and keep them overnight. - Next morning you will find the grams/pluses have swollen up i.e. the pulses will become bigger in shape and would even become softer.


- **The most important Step comes now**::
Remove the water if any present in the Jar. Transfer the gram/pulses into a fresh vessel and sprinkle some clean water on top of it. Cover the vessel and let it stay there for the entire day.
- In between during the day keep sprinkle water two or three times. - The next day you will notice that sprouts have started coming out. - In case if you need more sprouts you will need to wait for one more day and continue the process of sprinkling water and covering the vessel with a lid. It will take a maximum of two days for the sprouts to come out and ready to be consumed. Here is a snapshot of the sprouts that we recently made and it took two days to get these types of sprouts emerged.


The other question that people have about Sprouts is that for how many days can the sprouts be preserved. Sprouts when kept in a refrigerator can normally last for 3 to 4 days without spoiling. The best way of consuming Sprouts is Raw. Also, you can add Sprouts to your Salad to make a healthy Salad meal. I normally use the following combination of tomatoes, cucumber, radish, carrot, coriander leaves, mixed with Sprouts. Sprinkle salt to taste and squeeze one lemon to make it a bit tangy. There you go Njoy the delicious and healthy sprouts. You can consume them daily in one bowl. If you are unable to do that try consuming sprouts at least two times a week. ### Making Sprouts @Home #sprouts #germinating #healthysprouts #healthdear ### Stay Happy & Healthy... For more information tied to Health-related articles; More about Health tips? Simple & Easy to make Healthy recipes? Natural Health remedies? Visit my Website [HealthDear]( Best Regards


PS::- All images, artwork, graphics, videos, and other stuff are my original work. And is created using the license version of Pro Canva
Originally posted here:

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