Friday, June 12, 2020

Two best doctors in the world
Health is wealth, the secret of a wealthy living is good health, the success you are looking for in life function in an healthy living, because when you live healthy, your mind and your intellect will be sound because you need a sound mind to create wealth. ___


[Source]( Today I want to discuss about two major doctor's we sometimes ignored in our daily living, if we pay a little attention to these some health issue we have will probably not happen. ___ =>> The first doctor of every human life is Food, 90 percent of what we faced as health issue, is as a result of what we eat, sometime, some people eat food just to be satisfied, forgetting to pay attention to what it gives to the body, meaning that we sometime eat poison instead of health. ___ Human being need food to grow, but basically children need food to grow, adult don't need food to grow but rather adult need food for strength. Most adult destroy their heath with too much food. ___ *Now what is the mean of food?* ___ Food is anything eaten by plant, animal and people to keep them alive and also make them grow. Living things therefore need them to:- ___ =>> Grow =>> Have energy to work =>> Be healthy =>> Fight disease ___ You see why we need food as human being, so at any point these four reasons are not found in what you eat, it therefore means your reason for eating food is not correct and it can affect your health. ___ There are five classes of food that help us stay healthy, they are:- ___ * Carbohydrates * Protein * Fats and Oil * Vitamin * Mineral ___ All these contribute to your heathy living, so your food must contain all these classes of food richly, and it must be eaten in right proportion, once any of these lack it fight you health. ___ So eating balance diet is one major doctor that can keep you away from hospital, don't forget that 90 percent of our health problems are as a result of what we eat. ___ =>> The second major doctor is Exercise:- So many people feel that exercise is a form of punishment, some think that they are too irrelevant to be observed, some think is for a particular set of persons. ___


[Source]( But I tell you that there are a lot of benefit in exercising your body, simple thing like exercise can keep you away from hospital. ___ When you are fit, your immune system will be strong to fight disease, exercise help a lot in building your immune system, most people who exercise regularly don't often sleep in hospital. ___ So with this few point of mine, I summit to you that eating balance diet and regular exercising contribute a great deal in making you stay healthy in life. ___ *Pay attention to this two, you won't regret you did.*
Originally posted here:

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