Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Small oregano, excellent for cooking and health.

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Greetings friends of @naturalmedicine, I hope everyone is healthy and happy ... Today I want to share with you aboutthe small oregano, a plant that I particularly like. I am sure that many staff when thinking of oregano will most likely imagine it as the condiment that is spread over a delicious mozzarella pizza. There are also many people who only know it in dehydrated form, but oregano can also be found as fresh leaves and also as oil, the latter is even used as a cosmetic. But do you know what oregano is for?



Dried oregano has a good part of the properties of oregano in natura, but the fresh plant and its oil concentrate most of the benefits of oregano for good shape and health. Both dried oregano and the fresh leaves of the herb have volatile oils with diuretic, antibacterial, expectorant, antioxidant properties, among others. *Properties Of Oregano* Of Mediterranean origin, oregano is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, in addition to compounds that allow its use as a medicinal plant. Main ingredients of oregano: *Polyphenols:* 60 to 80% of oregano oil is made of carvacrol, while another 5% is made of thymol, two polyphenols that give it antiseptic, anti-inflammatory characteristics and contribute to weight loss; Terpene, pinene, borneol, linalool and terpinene: essential oils with antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and anesthetic properties; *Vitamins:* complex A, C, K and B; *Minerals:* zinc, magnesium, calcium, iron, manganese, copper and potassium; Omega 3 . **Now I present you some of the main benefits of oregano for good physical shape and health.**



*Helps Lose Weight* Imagining oregano to thin can seem a bit difficult when we are used to associating the seasoning with a dish as caloric as pizza, but the truth is that oregano oil helps to lose weight. This property of oregano is due to the presence of carvacrol, the active compound in oregano that can prevent weight gain by modulating some genes and reducing inflammation in white adipose tissue. Oregano oil can also help you lose weight indirectly, reducing your appetite. This is because oil has a slower digestion than carbohydrates and proteins, which slows down the absorption of food and prolongs the feeling of satiety. It's also worth remembering that fresh oregano leaves are rich in fiber, which improves intestinal function and also prolongs the feeling of satiety. *Decreases Muscle Pain And Inflammation.* Oregano oil can be a great muscle relaxant when applied directly to the skin. Mix one part of oregano oil with another part of olive oil and apply on the painful area, massaging gently. This property of oregano oil can be especially beneficial for those who practice physical activity, since it helps to improve muscle pain and allows a better recovery after training. The mixture with olive oil can also be used to treat back pain and mild muscle tension. *Aids Digestion* Especially in the form of oil, one of the benefits of oregano is to stimulate the secretion of bile by the liver. Among other functions, the bile facilitates the digestion of fats, acts as a detergent and allows the absorption of nutrients. Oregano also improves indigestion, flatulence and the bloated feeling that can occur after meals.   *Regulates Menstruation.* In addition to reducing the pain caused by colic, regular consumption of oregano also helps regulate the menstrual cycle and even prevent early menopause. To improve colic, the advice is to chew some fresh oregano leaves throughout the day or make tea. If you don't have fresh oregano, mix a small tablespoon of oregano with a cup of water and bring it to the fire, turning it off as soon as it boils. Smother for 3 minutes and drink before cooling. Drink the tea three or four times a day, always warm and preferably without sugar or sweetener. *Prevents The Flu* One of oregano's greatest benefits is its ability to strengthen the immune system, helping to fight viral infections like the flu. As soon as you begin to notice signs of infection, mix 3 to 6 drops of oregano oil with a little water and drink it before meals. Repeat the treatment for at least five days. *It Is A Source Of Antioxidants* The main active compounds in oregano act as powerful antioxidants, that is, they fight free radicals and contribute to the prevention of various diseases and also act against premature aging. Rosmarinic acid and thymol are two of these powerful antioxidants that make oregano an antioxidant 30 times greater than apples, 12 times greater than oranges and 4 times greater than blueberries, the latter being one of the most rich in antioxidants. that we have at our disposal.



*Oregano Side Effects* Oregano is safe for health if consumed in normal amounts, but its use can cause skin allergy and vomiting in some people sensitive to the plant. Although the serious side effects of oregano during pregnancy are not known, it is recommended that pregnant women avoid drinking tea or oil of oregano without medical advice. *How To Consume* If you don't have access to fresh oregano, try buying organic oregano oil and use it regularly to prepare dishes and finish salads.



**I told them that a grandmother's secret was to make the fried chicken and pork only with salt and oregano, and this was really delicious. I love this plant, it is really useful and in the kitchen it is a great helper for many recipes I can assure you that it is more than pizzas ... hahaha, So I did not miss the opportunity to have this useful plant in my little garden.**


Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive-120078/@lorennys/small-oregano-excellent-for-cooking-and-health

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