Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Benefits petai for health, and side effects if consumed in excess (Parkia speciosa)


**For those of you who live in Indonesia or in the Southeast Asian country, of course you are familiar with this type of plant, in Indonesia it is called Petai, one of the typical food menus that is often consumed by some Indonesian people, it is famous for its distinctive taste and aroma, not only it turns out that petai also has many benefits for human health.** #### **Nutrition Content in Petai:** **Even though it has a distinctive and very pungent odor, but once you eat processed food from the petai, your tongue is guaranteed to be addictive, and in the petai it contains 90-150 calories, and besides, it is also known to contain several types of nutrients, such as:** *Protein.* *Carbohydrate.* *Fiber.* *Fat.* *Minerals, such as calcium, manganese, potassium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, and copper.* *And several types of vitamins, which include vitamin C, vitamin B1 and vitamin E.*



#### **Benefits of petai for the health of the human body:** #### **1.Petai can control blood sugar.** High blood sugar levels are a sign or cause of diabetes, and if left unchecked continuously, the high blood sugar levels that are not controlled can invite various types of diseases and complications that are dangerous to humans. Therefore, it is important to control blood sugar levels to prevent diabetes and reduce the risk of diabetes complications. In addition, blood sugar can also be controlled by exercising regularly and eating healthy foods and limiting sugar intake, the point is with a healthy lifestyle. One type of food that is believed to be good for controlling blood sugar is petai type, thanks to its antioxidant and beta-sitosterol and stigmasterol chemicals in the petai which can keep blood sugar from soaring and we can avoid dangerous diseases, petai is very easy to get it on the market, and at a pretty cheap price. #### **2. Fight free radicals.** Petai is one of the foods that contain high levels of antioxidants which are believed to counteract the effects of free radicals on the cells of the human body, the impact of cell damage caused by free radicals can cause various diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, cataracts, premature aging, and diabetes , and others. #### **3.Healthy digestive tract.** Petai is an excellent source of fiber, by fulfilling adequate fiber intake, we will avoid various digestive problems, such as constipation. Apart from that, the benefits of fiber will also make you feel full longer, so that the urge to overeat can be reduced, thus we can maintain the ideal body weight. #### **4.Maintaining heart health.** The function of the heart organ is to pump blood throughout the body to support human survival. Because of the importance of the heart's role for health, the heart must always be guarded. One of the foods that are considered good for the heart is petai type. This is because the fiber and antioxidant content and potassium contained in the petai, Potassium is one of the electrolytes and minerals that can maintain blood pressure so that it is always stable, while the fiber and antioxidants in the petai can help prevent the formation of plaque in blood vessels to the heart, rupture blood vessels are one of the human factors that have a stroke, which results in paralysis and also the cause of death.


### **Petai effects if consumed in large quantities.** ##### **Petai does have many good benefits for the health of our bodies, but that does not mean you can consume them excessively and on a large scale. To get a healthy body, you also need or need to eat healthy balanced nutritious foods that you can get in various types of food. Consumption of excessive amounts of petai, is not recommended because of the risk of damaging the human kidney, and besides that, for humans with gout it is also highly recommended to limit consumption of petai, this is because the plant has a purine content, high levels of these substances can cause elevated levels uric acid in human blood, so learn first before we consume anything to make it right on target.** #### **Regards** #### **@dewaled507**



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