Sunday, June 28, 2020

I Needed Some Source Of Good Bacteria

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I had been under Tuberculosis medication for more than a month now and I am certain now that it is affecting my gut flora and fauna. But not quite I guess because I am taking a kind of Lactobacilli in a form of a drink with a brand name "Yakult" and I am just taking it maybe twice a week because I could not drink much of it because it uses some milk as a medium. It really taste nice and I really can drink lots of it if I am not in a restricted diet. Yakult has around 5 billion lacto bacillus bacteria which is what our digestive system neeeds in order for us not to get sick with harmful bacteria present in our guts or intestines.


__It Will Tae For Me Some Time To Ever Like The Taste Of Kimchi But It IS Also A Good Source Of Good bacteria For The Guts__
We needed lots of good bacteria in our guts so that the bad bacteria would not make much toxins that will make us sick. In fact if we would do a colon cleanse via the anus route or what they call a "Colonics" where they introduce liquid there to make us discharge the contents of the Colon then we will just in a way aerate or colons and then disturb the balance of bacteria in there making the bad bacteria to cause infection if the colonics is not done with good bacteria treatment afterwards.


[Source]( But I do think that colonics is pointless as we would just fill the colon afterwards in a few minutes to hours. What we just needed to do is to continue eating fibrous foods and eat foods rich in good bacteria. Foods with some good bacteria includes Yoghurt, Kimchi, fermented foods or vegetables in brine, in a capsule form, or some special drinks like Yakult, etc. I also like Yakult, it is just fast and ready-made, I can buy it in nearby stores and it works great. You could say that it works well when you fart it doesn't smell bad and often "smell-less" plus knowing that it makes you healthy by actually aiding your digestion because it eats the food you eat and when they die they release the nutrients inside them for your guts to easily absorb. That is why it is better to take good bacteria after you had eaten a nutritious meal full of vegetables because it will ensure that you will assimilate the foods that you consume and not just pass through your guts and wasted away. So for people who are very old with digestion problems and for patients with trouble in absorbing nutrients in their guts then just some good bacteria or some diet with lots of fermented foods in brine is the solution. There are so many ways in fermenting vegetables in particular and you can learn them by watching YouTube videos and you are all set or you can just buy good bacteria capsules or ready-to-drink preparations that I mentioned so that you can start making your guts healthy along with making your body healthy in the process.
Originally posted here:

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