Sunday, June 21, 2020

Have you ever wondered whether the name brand corporate product is better than the imitation product?


We have been wondering for years not just in this product but in all products are the namebrand corporate products with massive amounts of advertising actually better or did they just have better marketing and branding? Well here we put two identical products to the test question is is is the mega corporate billion dollar branding product actually better or is it just have better marketing?


So as far is Branding and aesthetics go The mega corporate multibillion dollar operation a Sprite in our opinion has better aesthetics better branding better marketing Etc etc. Now with that being said the only real question is is the multi billion dollar corporation better a.k.a. sprite..... The answer is no it is definitely not better in fact in our opinion the offbrand was potentially even better taste wise. If you look at the ingredients are almost the exact same. And honestly the flavor is also almost the exact same but in true honesty it is either just as good if not even slightly better. As far as sustainability on her ability and health goes obviously this product checks none of those boxes it is not sustainable it is not healthy it is not environmentally friendly or honorable. However if you’re going to drink a Sprite you might as well drink the offbrand as it is just as good.


Originally posted here:

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