Friday, June 26, 2020


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Good day everyone, how has been your day and your work over there? We all know that our eyes is the king of the body. We must take proper care of it because without it darkness is said to set in. I want to seize this opportunity to address Glaucoma. It is the one of the fastest causes of blindness in people above the age of 60. Glaucoma is an eye condition that damage the optic nerve. The damage occurs when there is an increased level of pressure in the eye, a condition known as ocular hypertension. You must know that Glaucoma can still occur when even when the pressure in the eye is still normal. To avoid this regular visit to an optometrist or opthalmologist is advisable. When Glaucoma is not detected or untreated can lead to a total loss of vision. It is not curable but it can be managed or controlled with pills, eye drops, laser procedures and surgery. Note that vision through Glaucoma cannot be restored. People who have a family history of Glaucoma, people with diabetes, people on long-term steroid medication, people who have had eye injury or are short-sighted, people who have pigment eye injury, people who are above 40 and people who have pigment dispersion syndrome are prone to Glaucoma. To prevent Glaucoma, regular intake of balance diet and regular exercise can be prescribed. You must stop smoking and keep a healthy weight. Reduce your intake of caffeine, also do well to avoid too much exposure to sunlight. Observe regular eye examination and maintain a normal blood pressure. Thanks for reading.
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