Sunday, June 21, 2020

How to Reverse Normal Weight Obesity
People with normal-weight obesity have a body mass index (BMI) that falls within the normal ‘healthy’ range. But they also have a high body fat percentage, and lurking deep in their abdomens are layers of fat. Research has found these people have a higher risk of developing conditions such as metabolic syndrome, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and heart disease than those with a healthy BMI. Then there is ‘central obesity’. That’s when excess body fat has accumulated in the abdomen — sometimes so deep it might not even show on the outside. There‘s no pot belly or middle-age spread…nothing. Of particular concern is fat that builds around vital internal organs, which is called visceral fat. This fat produces compounds that can trigger inflammation and release fatty acids into the bloodstream. That’s different to the more benign subcutaneous fat (the fat you can pinch or jiggle) that tends to accumulate around hips and thighs.


Luckily, visceral fat is something you can reduce. You may even find it easier than shedding the fat around your hips and thighs. Visceral fat is often where people lose weight first, but it’s not just changing physical activity or changing diet — the answer is to change both. If you do that, you have a bigger chance of reducing body fat. Here are some handy tips: ## 1. Tweak your diet Focus on a healthy diet full of unprocessed whole foods, vegies and not too much sugar, refined carbs or saturated fat. This will fuel your body and energise your day, too. Keep an eye on portion sizes — and stick to the half-plate-of-vegies model (turn to p62 for more on portions.) Cutting down on alcohol is a big help. If you’re over-keen on sugary drinks, cutting back is a great idea too. Higher intakes of sweet drinks have been associated with increased levels of visceral fat. ## 2. move Every day Engaging in regular exercise is crucial to burning visceral fat. Any movement is good — walking, running, swimming — just get moving daily for at least 30 minutes. ## 3. Lift weights Building muscle is a great way to reduce body fat, and a powerful way to reduce visceral fat in particular. The more muscle you have, the more energy you burn, even when you’re not exercising. This gradually helps reduce your body’s fat stores. Being strong is also great for your bones, especially as you age. ## 4. Manage stress When you’re exposed to chronic stress, your body is bathed in a flood of the stress hormone called cortisol. An excess of cortisol increases the likelihood of storing fat around your middle. ## 5. Commit to sleep Not getting enough sleep can increase your risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes — not to mention ramping up your appetite for sugar/fat-rich foods the next day. Aim for a consistent bedtime, and avoid skimping on sleep.
Originally posted here:

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