Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Papaya a Wonderful Fruit
Good morning friends of the community !!! .

Today I am going to comment on a tropical fruit highly prized for its multiple benefits for the body, it is very rich, sweet and its fleshy pulp comes in a beautiful range of colors from yellow to deep orange, I am talking about papaya.

Papaya is a fruit that contributes to the well-being of our body, it is rich in papain, an enzyme that helps improve and regulate digestive functions. Furthermore, this exclusive papaya substance has anti-inflammatory and healing properties, ideal for those suffering from ulcers, colon problems and gastritis.

Papaya also contains other vitamins, such as C and B; minerals and antioxidants that make it an ally in the process of cell regeneration and control of free radicals, which make this fruit a healthy option, which helps to prevent the risk of suffering diseases such as cancer.

Another aspect that is not well known about this fruit is that due to its high content of vitamin C, it provides benefits to men to improve their fertility, contributing to the production of healthier sperm.

Papaya also has cosmetic properties, since it is rich in a substance called lycopene, which is a powerful antioxidant that helps with skin problems such as acne and eczema, and also prevents premature aging.

If you think that this is all the benefits of papaya, you are wrong, this fruit inside has small black spherical seeds, which have been proven to be one of the most powerful remedies to combat parasites, these are loaded with an alkaloid Called capain, which has been proven to be effective in killing certain strains of intestinal parasites, these seeds also have anti-inflammatory properties, helping to detoxify the liver and kidneys.

Friends!!! This fruit really surprised me, if I liked it, now I appreciate it more, seeing all the properties it has, and with it you can make delicious salads, smoothies and delicious sweets that I really enjoy eating.

I hope you enjoy the papaya all the wonders it offers your health.

Thanks for reading, they love you !!!

The photos are my own.

Originally posted here:

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