Monday, June 22, 2020

Huston We Have a Problem, And The Solution


That's an avocado and chances are that most of you have at least once in their life time tasted it, and probably some of you love it so much that it has become an almost daily ingredient in your diet. Not an avocado person though, and the post is not actually about avocados... Well it is, but not entirely. Now, as you have probably already seen on my blog, I have recently made a daily habit of drinking several beers a day, eating junk food and getting far away from a healthy diet. Call it convenience, or just my normal diet getaway, but that's not something I would be proud of, or keep on doing for months/years. Last night when I got home, after drinking a few beers and eating too much barbecue, I realized that I feel heavy, that I feel unhealthy, filled with cholesterol, fat, all sort of chemicals and too much alcohol. That was simply not me... at least not the one that walked the planet the last couple of years or so. A bell rang...


I would have been fine with such a life style, of drinking beer and eating junk food every day during college, for sure, but not anymore. I mean I had my five years of being vegetarian, I had my time of not drinking even a tiny drop of alcohol, I've seen the difference of these totally different ways of life,and still... all of a sudden I changed 180%. Some bell rang last night for sure, and the skies opened, and from there a voice said to me... ...Yo, that's not you, stop this crap. I guess that was God, or my imagination filled with booze... Kidding, God didn't talked to me, we usually text each other, but I really felt so full last night, with every cell of my body, that I even had problems sleeping, and didn't even felt that I had any sleep when I woke up in the morning. Hence I took the decision this morning to listen to that voice, and do something about it. The first thing I did was to jump on the bike and get to the local market, and bought myself avocados, tomatoes, cucumbers, capsicum, parsley, good healthy 100% natural cheese, and two bananas. You don't even need to wear a mask over there and no one checks your temperature so I felt normal again. From there I had to go to the supermarket, because I couldn't find tuna cans there, which are the only *fish dishes* that I accept for many years, if I may call em like that, and I also had to pick some dark chocolate, and grapefruits that are also not to be found at the local market. I put my mask at the entrance, because they wouldn't allow me if not, and took it off once I entered, and also passed by the temperature checking guy at high speed filling my bag for the day. I can say that I slide from an extreme from another, but I really felt that the only meat that I would accept was fish, that my body was screaming for salads and that beer must be replaced with some natural juice, asap. Bad boy got tamed today, self tamed. I don't know for how long this diet will work, but I plan to at least try it for a week. I started to hate barbecues, shawrmas, Cola, Beers, sweets and other junk food and chemicals that I voluntarily fed my body and soul. I really need to detox a bit and need it asap. So, the post was not about avocados after all, as i promised, but involves two of them, I am not announcing that I've become a healthy life style monk, but planning to rethink my diet for at least one week, and am happy that my internal alarm bells still work properly. *I'm getting old the right way* I could say;). *Thanks for attention,* *Adrian*
Originally posted here:

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