Sunday, June 21, 2020

What’s your opinion about our world challenge?
Good morning awesome people! What’s your opinion about the measures of our [new normal](

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According to people who make decisions that affect your everyday life: >[social distancing could be a part of our new normal until that vaccine becomes a reality and it is made accessible to everyone.]( What’s your opinion about their intention? What’s your opinion about the media? The [media](’ perspective is that our [challenge]( is 1 [invisible enemy]( Personally i [don't]( believe any theory without asking [questions](; i believe they need a proof - to impose social distancing as a new normal. - to claim that this year flu is greater than in previous years. Somehow, - they concluded that we have 1 invisible enemy. - they identified 1 invisible enemy. My curiosity is this: # [Where's]( the proof? - How did they conclude that we have 1 enemy? - At What point did [the media]( offer us a proof for our threat? [Without]( proof 1 theory is just 1 speculation. You can find an alternative perspective from the alternative media: people who cover aspects that are not covered by the mainstream media: @activistpost, @libertyacademy, @krnel, @jasonliberty, @lighteye, @richq11, @dbroze, @tlavagabond, @maxigan, [DeepDives Community]( # [What]( do you think they're [testing]( [They]( claim we have [1 threat](, even though the application for [the testing procedure]( they use is [Not medical diagnostics.]( Without a proof, - [What]( are we talking about? - How did they conclude that [this flu]( is different from every other flu? Don't you find it odd that all the current measures of the new normal are based on [a spook]( ### What’s your opinion about Ventilators? Intubation can do [more harm than good]( to patients who have low responsiveness for intubation = most people [labeled]( as new cases. This happens because doctors are conditioned to think in terms of protocol driven therapy. >[Unfortunately, many doctors around the world cannot think outside the protocol.]( ### What’s your opinion about Surgical Masks? Now we can't enter stores & public transport without [Surgical Masks](, even though: - They are not designed to block [such small particles]( - They have [Side-effects]( >[They essentially stop only spittle from a surgeon’s mouth from inadvertently dropping into a wound.]( ### What’s your opinion about [temperature screening]( The new normal implies temperature checks with [non-contact thermometer]( and [Thermal imaging cameras](, even though: - the cameras [can’t detect a fever]( & they are [not for medical purposes]( - elevated skin surface temperature [does not necessarily indicate illness]( >[Some of it is quite frankly for show.]( ### What’s your opinion about freedom of movement? We have to respect [social distancing]( measures & they’re developing [surveillance]( technology [to help enforce social distancing](, even though it: - prevents [herd immunity]( - the actual way to stop a flu, - does little in containing a [respiratory]( disease. >[Oxford Researchers Object to the 'Two Meters (6 Feet)' Rule, Saying 'No Scientific Evidence']( >[We’re experiencing all sorts of counterproductive consequences of not well-thought-through policy]( i guess, way too few people share information about how the over concern for security is reducing your [liberties]( & your [Immune System](, otherwise, Why are we heading toward a [surveillance]( world that's justified through safety (for an invisible enemy, for which we have zero proof)? ### What’s your opinion about free speech? People who share opinions or facts that contradict the mainstream News are Flagged As [Fake News]( or [censored](, even though the mainstream media offered zero proof for their theory. Considering [Social media sites are under pressure to combat misinformation](, [censorship]( might increase. In 1 [censorship]( world, How can we help people with information? ### What's your opinion about the economic measures? Previously our leaders used financial measures such as [bailouts]( & [quantitative easing - QE]( to help the economy. This is so only in theory, because these measures only help [the big banks and giant corporations, and the small number of investors who hold most of the stock]( Why would they do it differently [this year]( Central banks continue their [QE](, even though these measures: - don't benefit the population, - only cause currency devaluation, price increase & public [debt]( that’s paid through [taxes]( Considering this, - What's your opinion about central banks? - How [sustainable]( is our [system]( that only creates [debt]( - It's pretty obvious [where]( we're heading, [isn't it]( According to Your leaders who're responsible for leading the way: >[But without rapid and effective global cooperation, the world may not exit this crisis safely at all.]( Considering what you read in previous paragraphs: the fact that your [current]( measures: - only reduce your freedom, your imunity & the value of your money, - have zero benefit for you, zero justification, ### What’s your opinion about your current measures? - What’s your opinion about [further]( measures? - Why would [further]( measures be any better? - Don't you find it odd that they impose these measures, with zero proof for our enemy? - Why are your leaders creating these measures? - Aren't they supposed to represent your interest? - What's up with all their current counterproductive measures? - How are they using their power of leading the way? - How responsible are they for their power? - Aren't they the ones who promote [responsibility]( - Did they wash their hands of their [responsibility]( Talking about your leaders, here's what they believe: >[We must work together to build a new world order]( >[We need a new framework for global governance]( This implies: - [Global]( surveillance, - [Central Bank Digital Currency](, - [Centralized patient record system](, - [Health Passports](, - [Digital Identity]( As long as we do nothing there is no happy end for any of us - global governance implies that [everything is under]( their governance. Nothing stopped [our leaders]( from creating security measures to flatten the curve of an invisible enemy, for which they offered zero proof, so What stops them from creating 1 [Tracking System]( / 1 [new normal]( similar to the one in China, where people have a [social score]( for how well they comply with their rules? Thanks to technology, people can show their social score app at every entry point. Their interests: [surveillance]( & [Digital ID]( go well [together]( I don't believe technology is bad. It can be used for automation. Jacques Fresco says that we can create [1 scenario]( in which labor is automatic in ten years, with our current technology and resources. Wouldn't that be nice? In this scenario we might have more time for higher needs (such as self-actualization, becoming more), since we no longer have to invest our time for basic needs. Only that, our leaders are investing resources to create [technology]( for surveillance. So far, to some degree, you lost some [liberties]( the freedom of speech, the freedom of movement, etc. without any proof. As long as you do nothing, in the same way, you'll lose even more of your liberties and you end up living in a scenario, in which you have: - Less [freedom]( and - More [surveillance]( Your [surveillance]( is not gonna be optional. You’ll have to play by [their rules]( because without your Digital Health [Passport]( that [safely facilitates safe return to work and life](, by proving your [health status]( - You can do nothing, - You can go nowhere, - You can't function in society, - You’re unable to buy stuff, especially in a [cashless society](, because you have to scan [your app]( everywhere you go, at every entry point. i don't believe making money is enough. In vain you make money, as long as you live in a zero freedom world. Don't you think it would be good to prevent [this scenario]( What kind of world do you want for yourself and for your family: 1 [**zero**]( freedom world or do you think you deserve more? # [What]( can we do? - Did you know that everything is done through [people]( - Why do you think people take massive action to [decrease]( their own freedom? Because they don't know any better, because [information]( is kept hidden. By sharing information and questions, we can help them see the inconsistency in what happens. We barely have to lift a finger: Technology allows us to share information with the touch of a button, so these actions are within our reach. Only that, it require responsibility. Before we find better solutions, How about we apply the solutions that are within our reach? [Question]( everything, including my articles! Do your own research! Don't let some [unproven theory]( intimidate you. Stay close to each other. Stay united. [They]( say our challenge is to flatten the curve of an invisible enemy. [What's]( our [actual]( challenge? Our challenge is: To Flatten the Curve of our [freedom loss]( that for the most part is already a reality. Are you tough enough to accept our challenge? Thanks for visiting my blog and reading my article. By the way: this article is part of [a book]( Do you think it would be good to communicate? [Hive community]( [Discord community]( What do you think? How can we overcome our challenge? You can comment below and let me know.
Originally posted here:

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