Wednesday, June 17, 2020

My Plan If I Would Outlive My Parents And It Needs A Lot Of Mental Courage To Cope With That Scenario

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My parents are in the sunset years of their lives, most people in their age are dying already because that level is the average years that people die. #### It is written in the Bible > Psalm 90:10 As for the days of our life, they contain __seventy years__, Or if due to strength, __eighty years__, Yet their pride is but labor and sorrow; For soon it is gone and we fly away. __- Psalm 90:10__ My mother is now about to reach her 71st or 2 this year and of course I hope she does, my father is a year older than her and it is worrying to know about time for me passes so quickly and for that reason my parents are getting older and older until they could not support me anymore if I happen to outlive them. I think that it is really not a sin t=for me to ask God to take me before those unfortunate and hard times would come but I have to be ready and man-up and face that music so I just have to plan ahead so that I could never find myself in a much very hard experience of a lifetime, harder than what I am going through right now. My mother is so much precious to me because she is just my extension of my body at most times, even an extension of my voice sometimes which sometimes I do not like too lol.




__My Mother Was Always The One To Walk My Papers From Various Government Charities And Offices__
I am just glad that at least I am not a financial burden to my parents otherwise I will not survive my days because they themselves are just relying on pension which in no way will ever help my medical needs now that my hospital is charging more per visit. But I have to really pal ahead and maybe if none of my siblings are able to drive me to and from the dialysis center I will just have to rent some place near there. But then again I have to transport myself so I just needed an electric wheelchair that I could use to go in a short distance to and from the dialysis center from my supposed rented apartment or living space. The plan to switch to peritoneal dialysis will also be in the table if my siblings would care to take me in but will not be able to drive me to and from the dialysis center. But of course they will have to help me out for certain situations like emergency or I needed to top-up with my dialysate supply or infection to my access or maybe with consultation to the doctor. These things are in my plan and I hope God would never allow to put me in a much difficult scenario which is also possible to happen. So I just needed to be financially stable because I do not want to anyone even to lift a finger to help me out with my future needs and bother them about it. I am just thankful that my parents are healthy eaters and that they avoid drinking and eating such fatty stuffs that can affect their health. So I am asking for prayers for my parents more than for myself because for sure I will experience a great tribulation if it happens that I would outlive one or both my parents. May God bless you all.
Originally posted here:

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