Tuesday, June 23, 2020

My Health Journey from November 2018 to today:

### My Health Journey from November 2018 to today: [


Some of you that have been reading my posts since the Steemit days will know that I was diagnosed with Lymphoma Cancer at the end of 2018. The photo above was taken at my first chemo session on 14 December 2018. The photo below was taken some time later when the chemo treatment already had it's effects on my look with a loss of hair and me gaining some weight. I was really Blessed during this time, because, I did not suffer all the bad side effects of this treatment. I did not become nauseous and did not loose my appetite. Directly after treatment, I did experience some swelling, due to water retention. I normally went on a Friday and spent most of Saturday in bed, as I felt very tired after the treatment, but by Monday I was back at work again, like I said, I was really Blessed. [


After I finished my treatment, and went for some scans, the doctor informed me that the cancer was in remission!! I now still receive chemo treatment once in 3 months, this is only maintenance chemo. I need to receive 8 maintenance treatments. I had my 5th maintenance treatment yesterday, but the maintenance is not the full blown treatment and is not affecting me negatively in terms of tiredness or other any other noticeable effects. The photo below was taken on Saturday, and as you can see I have all my hair back and is in very good health. I am in desperate need of a hair cut, as the barbers were closed due to the lock-down. They are now open again, and I could only get a booking for Wednesday after work. [


As I have already mentioned, God really Blessed me on this journey and I feel as strong and healthy as before I was diagnosed. I hope you liked the post as much as I liked writing it. Live your life, you only have one and Stay Safe!!


Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/powerhousecreatives/@rynow/my-health-journey-from-november-2018-to-today

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