Friday, June 19, 2020

I'm Hoping That My Health Insurance Will Never Run-out Of Money Due To CoViD Disruption To The Economy

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I do think and almost everyone would agree that couples that are planning to make a family should also plan to get some insurance especially health insurance so that not only them but also their parents could benefit and if they would be gifted with their own offspring then the child or children will be assured of having a healthy body because for certain we would need health insurance if we get ill particularly nowadays that our foods are just laced with lots of additives that builds-up over time. Had it been that my mother or parents had a health insurance then I would have probably been in a better situation because I might had gotten a better treatment for my then a treatable disease already. Lack of out of pocket money to spare for our health needs just caused me to what I had became now. But in my case it is just complicated, my mother is just a housewife and doesn't earn much from selling few pieces of ice made through our old refrigerator while my father is just a mechanic that really can't earn other than for just our daily necessities. So we grew up with my siblings not experiencing going to fun places with my parents, vacations other than once or twice in a lifetime visit to my grandmother which isn't really a vacation per se, or even birthday parties for that matter other than a sweet greeting from my mother when our birthdays comes-up. So yes we were poor but not a broken family although we weren't that close to my father because he was always away working abroad when we were younger with my siblings. But when we were younger anyway health insurance are not really put into consideration nor it was talked about in my family as my father might not be understanding its concept. So we were left without insurance when the need finally arises and always paying the hospital hard cash. Now things are different, people are more educated about having a health insurance and even the government is pushing about the universal health care making every citizen covered in the most part with their bills especially in the government hospital. Luckily now I am enjoying my government health insurance and have a hope to get more dialysis allocations per year. If not for my health insurance I am most possibly not aroumd anymore succumbing into my own demise with this kind of a horrid condition that I have. Now I am just worried since the health insurance that I am using cannot collect normal funds from people because most are displaced workers due to CoViD-19. I am now threatened about my situation if and when my health insurance will fail to support my dialysis then I will be in a much trouble like before I was just a new patient. May God forbid that kind of a misfortune would ever happen and that my health insurance would be able to continually sustain us otherwise lots of people will die for sure. I might be able to see lots of patients just stopping dialysis cold turkey because they could not pay anymore, maybe one of them will be me. I am really afraid to my bones of that would ever happen to me. I needed all the prayers in the world.
Originally posted here:

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