Thursday, June 18, 2020

Benefits of Saluyot Leaves Scientific Name: Corchorus olitorius Also knows as:
Saluyot (Tagalog), Jute, Jew’s mallow, Egyptian spinach,  jute mallow, bush okra, West African sorrel (En), Chang shouo huang ma (Ch). Krinkrin (Fr). Benefits of Saluyot Leaves Plants and herbs are a staple of medicine ever since its discovery centuries ago. Man would go to the nearest forest and pick up fruits or leaves and consume them to sooth different ailments and pains. One of these medicinal plants is the corchorus, known locally in the Philippines as saluyot, native to tropical regions of the world. In addition to its medicinal properties, the plant is also harvested for jute fiber. Saluyot leaves are usually boiled into tea for consumption and this article will list its benefits to the human body. Antioxidants – prevents harmful substances from destroying cells or deteriorating organs within the body. Saluyot leaves contain six phenolic antioxidants, protecting the body from infections. Vitamin A – promotes good eyesight and maintenance of the immune system. Other than vitamin C, it is considered the most essential vitamin for healthy development, vision (the most use of the senses) and immunity. The most notable source of vitamin A is carrots but saluyot leaves are just as effective. Fiber – aids in digestion, absorption of nutrients and bowel movement. It also regulates blood sugar and increases food volume, helping check appetite. Saluyot leaves are a good source of fiber, promoting healthy eating and digestion. Diet Food – believe it or not, one can eat certain foods to lose weight. These include saluyot leaves with its high fiber content and low calories. Just avoid too much carbohydrates and sugars for the diet to work. Good against inflammation – inflammation is a “signal” that something is wrong with the body due to pain, injury or an unhealthy diet. One can consume foods or medicine with anti-inflammatory properties to alleviate the pain. Studies show that saluyot leaves are used to create phytomedicine, a treatment for inflammation, so eat as much as you can when suffering from arthritis or a headache. Good for the heart – the heart is one of the most important organs in the body, pumping blood day in and day out ensuring that we are alive and well. To take care of it, one should eat food rich in fiber, omega-3 and phytonutrients like saluyot leaves. It lowers cholesterol levels and prevents blood clots from clogging arteries.
Treats (prevents) cancer – although no single food can treat cancer per se, eating and living healthy can reduce the chances of it happening, if not prevent it. Saluyot leaves contain antioxidants, fiber, omega-3 and anti-inflammatory (anti-tumor) compounds necessary for preventing cancer cell development and growth. Helps against diabetes – diabetes results from the body’s inability to regulate blood sugar, leading to heart or blood complications. A healthy diet and lifestyle may not be able to cure life-threatening and chronic diseases such as diabetes but it can help prevent them. Saluyot leaves are proven to effectively thwart diabetes and even reverse its effects (coupled with the appropriate medication, of course). Pregnant mothers can even consume them to prevent the infant from being affected by diabetes. Protects the liver – the liver filters blood before passing it throughout the body, thus usually becoming the first casualty of any harmful substance we consume. Saluyot leaf extracts contain antioxidant and detoxifying compounds able to stop thioacetamide, a substance known to damage the liver. Anti-aging – antioxidants prevent harmful substances from damaging the body and that includes its largest organ – the skin. If one cannot afford expensive cosmetics or procedures, he or she can consume antioxidant, vitamin A and vitamin E rich foods like saluyot leaves. Historical records even state that ancient beauties like Cleopatra partook in the consumption of saluyot (known to them as mulukhiya) to keep their faces and skins healthy. Plants and vegetables may be bitter but they are important for one’s health and well-being. As the saying goes “no pain no gain” so we need to endure their taste for the good of our body. Saluyot leaves are no exception as they are often boiled into tea for the benefits mentioned above (many say they are more bitter than your average herbal tea). It can also be made into a soup (the previously mentioned mulukhiya) or stew (like the Filipino pinakbet or dinengdeng). Good news is that saluyot leaves have no adverse side-effects so feel free to consume them on a regular basis. If saluyot leaves made wonders for some of history’s most influential persons then why not let it do the same for you?

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