Sunday, June 21, 2020

How yoga can change your lifestyle and purify your body and soul.


On 21st June we celebrate International yoga day which just gives the power to spread the word yoga to the world and connect all human being through this journey of healthy life style . Yoga is as simple as your daily dine , walk , sleep but the power of the word yoga comes from you from your adaptability and nurturing yourself for purification of yours . Yoga is not connected with any religion , language , race , country but its connected with the mind of each human. -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Benefit of yoga and impact on your life : - Yoga practices makes you energetic , increase willpower , generate positivity , empower you with mental peace and serenity. - breathing inhale and exhale is core part of inner health in the yoga which called 'pranayama' makes your respiratory organs , digestive system along with nervous system more restructured and healed from any external bacteria , virus and germs . - Yoga has been more practical for the patient with severe sickness related nerve and muscles. - The basic impact of yoga for your daily life is extremely immense and unforgettable as it directly purify your inner and outer body . - Today we are celebrating the international yoga day but it is helping human mankind from many many years ago with pure sense of cure and heal.
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